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Messages - Grimmjow

Pages: [1]
Request a Preset/Marking / Looking to commission for fur textures
« on: December 21, 2018, 04:25:55 pm »
Alrighty, so the deal is, I'm looking to commission someone that could make me a fur texture for both feline and canine models, for exclusive use on my presets.
My budget is currently only DA points, 500 for canine and 500 for feline.


Obviously the fur textures need to be in greyscale like the textures used for FH's normal canine and feline, and I'd like them to be a fairly sharp resolution that I can scale up and down depending on what canvas size I'm working on. (in terms of pixels, larger than the usual size square FH takes, so between 600x600 and 1000x1000. They need to be made to the shape of the UV's provided in the preset 'referances' folder.) And you also need to be willing to change anything I'm not sure about on them.

Please if you have work examples of fur textures you've painted for presets previously, feel free to post images below and I will choose someone out of all who post if anyone catches my eye.

Introduction / Hey there!
« on: December 21, 2018, 12:43:20 am »
Hey there I'm Grimmy! I've been playing FH for a while, but after an extended break and the severing of some bad connections that brought me down, I'm back and ready to start fresh, new friends, new projects, new memories!

I mostly have plans to make presets and small hang out maps when I have the time, as well as eventually run an RP I've had in mind for a while.

But If you do see me in game feel free to say hi, if I'm not sitting my character on the ledge above the portal in Grounds (my safe space when I'm not feeling 100% social, with my anxiety it happens!) I'd be more than happy to have you sit with me if you are on your own and feeling lonely, or waiting for friends to log in.

Just please if you do sit with me, at least be friendly and introduce your self first if we've never met before, I'm not scary and I'd love to get to know you. Truly, I'm like a big cat parent, I just want to look after everyone and have a good time !


News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 06:14:18 pm »
I really wish I had something meaninful to say, but I'm just dissapointed...really, dissapointed... :/

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