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Messages - Traffic Jams

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: When i Log On, My Screen Is BLACK!!
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:14:01 am »
Are you in the normal default maps or is it a map that's been exported in that is a friends?
You may want to check to see if the map file is in the right place, else-wise things like that will happen.

Game Help / Re: Custom Objects I made won't work in game play.
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:52:43 am »
Thanks GotaCacel, I'm afraid all of them are saved in their own folder. I realized there wasn't a problem with the sound one at all, I was just stupid and had the sound effects muted lol. *kills herself for that later*
But yeah it is sincerely weird, I put them all in TJstuff, so that way when I transferred the map, it would be way easier to accomplish for both parties involved.
I hope you never have this problem too~ But thanks for saying they look nice! If any more ideas cross your mind let me know. I was actually starting to think that maybe I should treat my own objects as someone else's and export them and put them in the export folder, but I'm not sure if that'll work at all. If it does I'll be sure to post it here. If not I'll likely try and see if they work if I spread them into different folders, encase there is something like 'only this amount of objects will work in one folder' type deal.
Here's hoping. Because after I try both of those, I'll be fresh out of ideas myself.

The map is supposed to be that way lol. I found you can use two different masks if you want to use terrains textures 4-6.
When you use terrain textures 4-6 ontop of the first three, then the two textures will blend together, it's rather fun to experiment with.
and the map and everything is my own it is not exported at all. Just to make sure something odd didn't happen, it is indeed .map

 I had my friend test the theory that the 6 terrains with two masks, would mess with customed objects, and it does not. (course I don't see why it would but I had to be sure, and the more information given hear the more direct I can be in finding an answer.)
Edit Edit:
I had my friend test it further by giving her my objects. She has the old version that is patched up and the objects worked fine on hers, even in gameplay, but I have the newest version of the game because my computer was rebooted and I had to redownload the program and it so happened they had the new version up by then. So, either there is a glitch problem in the newest version, or there's one small little detail that wants to drive me up the wall. So far, things aren't looking good as to if I'll be able to solve this problem, but if we do, then it'll be one heck of a learning experience lol.

Game Help / Re: Custom Objects I made won't work in game play.
« on: July 03, 2011, 04:40:29 pm »
If I need to re-explain, then let me know. I would really like to get this fixed soon.

Game Help / Custom Objects I made won't work in game play.
« on: July 03, 2011, 01:19:55 pm »
Edited: only one problem now
Normally I'm good at figuring out problems on my own, but this one I certainly have no idea.
I have made custom objects in the object maker. All the items show up fine, and when I test the maps(in map maker) they are there, but when I bring my actual online character there, the objects that I have made are no longer there, and only the default objects. To investigate further,my friend's maps all work fine even with their self made items.  
I have tried, renaming my map, to see if it was the same on both versions, and it was.
All my objects appear to be in the right place, for I have not messed with them in the time span of when they worked and when they decided not to. I'm lost at how all the custom objects no longer appear appear. Any ideas, would be greatly appreciated.

The top is map maker, the bottom is online game play.

This is showing the objects in the object maker and folder.

Using a .map file, not an exported one.

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