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Messages - Falkenpelz

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Need help to find someone
« on: April 20, 2014, 03:25:30 pm »
Okay, thanks for moving.
I was not sure whether I got the right thread for it or not.

And thank you for your help! Please let me know about it as soon as you see him again!
Thanks so much! :D

Game Help / Need help to find someone
« on: April 20, 2014, 01:00:10 pm »
Hello everyone!

I need your help.
I'm not sure but I think it was in the early summer last year (2013). I met a very nice boy with the username 'MidnightRiver112'.
We got mates, had some pups and wanted to create a pack together.
But suddenly he never came online again.
And now I would like to know if someone of you know him. Maybe I'm always on when he's off. But I can't imagine this. Argh. ._.
So, does someone of you know him? Why he doesn't come online, etc.? He knows me with my chara 'Catcha'.
I would be very happy if you answer soon! (And I hope this is the right thread for posting this topic.)


Introduction / Re: Hey all together :D
« on: January 11, 2014, 10:28:41 am »
Thank you all! :3
@AlphaEclipse: That's awesome! :D

Introduction / Re: Hey all together :D
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:54:08 am »
Hey ~Stargazer~! :)
Thanks for your quick reply and for welcoming me. :3
I'll try to be active here. Promised. ;)

Introduction / Hey all together :D
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:48:27 am »
Hello! :)
My name is RhydianaTheSeeker, but please call me Rhydiana. That's much shorter. :3
I'm 17 years old and I'm from Germany.

I'm at FH since March 25th 2011. But I never had time to introduce myself at the forum.
So I will do it now. :)
My favourite maps of FH are Bonfire Island, Ascension Island, Sky's Rim, Ficho Tunnel, Atlantis and Last Cave. And I love the maps made by Genesis. Especially "Forest of Lights".

Well... something about myself...
Maybe my favourite book series or TV shows?
Books: The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, Divergent, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Redwall, Tempest, etc.
TV-shows: Merlin (BBC), Robin Hood (BBC), Once Upon A Time, Continuum, Wolfblood and much more.
Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, epic, Titanic, etc.

What else? Well... I'm not an ordinary girl. I don't use make up or wear the latest trends. I read a lot. I design websides. My job will be a webpage designer. I also run a big community fo fans of 'The Hunger Games'.
And I like soccer. :D I'm a big fan of this sport.
I also like doing other sports. I'm playing chess - for example - in the club of my town.
And I love swiming and 'Nordic Walking'.
I'm loving music. I'm singing everyday. It's just awesome! I have many favourite bands, but the best for me (right now) are: Nickelback, OneRepublic, LinkinPark, Fall Out Boy and some bands from my country like "Glasperlenspiel", "Pur" and "Ich und Ich". :) I'm also playing the piano and I always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
Currently, I'm going in the 11th grade at school. My favourite subjects are english, history and physics.
I'm a big fan of languages and I love it to meet new people all over the world!

So, I think this was everything I wanted to tell you about me.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me!
I'm really looking forward to meet you all!

May the wolves and lions always be with us. ?

Discussion Board / Re: Wolfblood?
« on: December 15, 2013, 05:08:37 pm »
Hey! :)
Yes, I know and love this series, too! My favorite character is Rhydian. He's also played by one of my favorite actors.
I really like the series and I can't wait for season 2. I can't watch it at my country. I hope they'll change that soon.
Dragon Wolf

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