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Messages - cookiepoo123

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / people that just sit there
« on: October 12, 2013, 02:10:45 am »
ok so EVERY time I go into fluorite plains at the portals to the other maps there are just people sitting there doing NOTHING and it makes me (and other people) lag ALOT...... (to me) this is a waste of space... cant they add some type of auto kick or something? like in animal jam for example how if you sit there for more then 5 mins the game will kick you.....


i will just say it everyone who hates are all a**holes that can go to hell srsly OH THEY HAVE BRIGHT COLLOR THAT HURT PEOPLES EYES yeah well the screan and the map itself has birght a** collors srsly >.> i don't like making my wolves bright collors because well i just don't like the way it looks ..but that does not mean people have to be haters and say they are unrealistic WHO CARES lions would kill wolves and yet you see people walking around in a *realistic rp* with a lion on some wild adventure or something and then you see a neon and you are like OMG THEY SO GAAYYY <i hope i don't affend anyone but ...i don't care about you sooooo ........>

i would go to all the places in the game tell my friends im going to AROKAI and then I troll all the little kids so bad that I would get banned forever in this game <but it would uhh yeah that's what I would do but I don't randomly do that only for a dis

Game Discussion / Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« on: July 21, 2013, 09:17:00 pm »
I don't mind cross gender people but when they do it to get mates its disturbing

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