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Messages - Sayomi

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Leaving / Re: We love you!
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:32:07 am »
While I never really had any contact with any of the staff on here throughout the years I still appreciated what was done for this community and it's incredibly sad to see how everything has turned out.

You guys are loved and your work has been very much appreciated, it's unfortunate that things had to go this way but I wish you all the best and give you a sincere send-off.

As for the rest of this community, it was really fun having a place I could go and feel like I belonged. For years FeralHeart was the only outlet I had and i've encountered so many wonderful people because of it. I hate to see that such a beautiful place that served as a refuge for so many is now being torn down thanks to the actions of one selfish admin, but i'm at least thankful I had the opportunity to get to know those who resided here in the time that it lasted.

So long everyone, see you on the flip side. <3

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:21:04 am »
Alright... I don't care to post on these forums nor do I make any effort to express my thoughts or opinions on most that I see here, but this time I feel inclined seeing as to how this affects the entire community. This is by far one of the least sensible courses of action that could've possibly been taken.

Raz, I don't know you, i've hardly ever even seen you anywhere except occasionally here on the forums. I only know you run the server for this game and as the master of everything I would think you'd have a clear head on your shoulders-- but from what i'm seeing posted here and elsewhere, that's apparently not the case. Now, I have no right to really speak on something I personally have no experience with but, I can tell you that by taking an action like this that you're not only upsetting a large number of people but you're also causing the ultimate destruction of a game that you're supposed to be in control of.
I've been on here for years, i've watched this community from the sidelines and I know how responsible, respectful, and self-reliant that it can be but on the other hand i've also seen my fair share of abusive, spiteful, and toxic people running around. It wouldn't take much for someone to angrily start abusing this system over something stupid. Seriously, there's so many people that have the potential to exploit this if they don't get their way or are upset by something, implementing a system like this will only bring about disaster and it's incredibly sad to see a game that i've enjoyed for so many years get reduced to this.

I hope you come to your senses and make the right decisions but if not, then it's been fun while it lasted.

Aw well with all the stuff thats been going on on Bonfire this really needed to be done...but i just don't know what i'm going to do for a whole week :(

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