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Messages - highwolf567

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Game Help / FH is not working
« on: February 09, 2012, 08:10:29 pm »
Hi there

My FH has seemed to stop working. Whenever I load it up, it seems as if some of the files are missing, as I can't see some objects(faces, tree leaves, some menus etc). I have tried to reinstall my FH but it always seems to come back. I don't know whether it is a map I have downloaded, or some of the files are missing.
Help would be appreciated!


Name: Kaylie
Age: 2 human years
Gender: Female
Species: Arctic wolf
Pack/Clan: the first one that she is accepted into!
Personality: She likes to hang around with other wolves, so is normally very friendly. She can get very aggresive when herself or her friends are threatened though.
History: Kaylie was raised from birth as a healer by her mother, who was named Moonsong. Although Kaylie never met her father, she loved to train with Moonsong. She was a brilliant healer, once even helping to heal a severed leg of a pack member. When she finally left her pack, she set out with one mission, which was to make sure that anyone who is innocent and needed help would recieve it.
Parents: Mother = Moonsong     Father = ???
Cubs: None
Mate: None
RP sample: Kaylie walked though the huge forest, snow falling gracefully onto the ground and her pure white fur coat. She loved moments like these, when the snow sparkled in the blue moonlight. She sniffed the air, hunger throbbing in her stomach. She caught the scent of a lone foal, not to far from her position. She lowered herself into the snow to stalk it. Kaylie found the foal in a large clearing, nibbling greedily at a berry bush, leaving itself completely open to attack. Kaylie took her chance and pounced visciously, throwing the foal to the ground. It was petrified, and tried to run, but Kaylie was too fast. She ended it with a powerful bite to the neck, and the foal dropped lifeless to the snow coered ground. Kaylie sat to rest before eating, the moonlight reflecting off of her now mostly crimson fur.

Username: Highwolf567
wolf age: 2.5 years
Rank: subordinate
Pic: Black with camo green patterns
other info: He is assasin can blend into his surroundings

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