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Messages - Tyto

Pages: [1]
Stories / Re: God Siege Chapter 1: Sister Talk
« on: November 30, 2011, 08:02:08 pm »
This is very good. At least from what I've seen.

Species / Re: ~Satans Hounds~
« on: November 10, 2011, 03:13:31 pm »

Name: Ki
Username/Screenname: DJ Gamer (my other account....)
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Personality: Ki is very silent. That is because he doesn't know how to talk. Yet even if he could, Ki is very un-social. He hates being around too many animals. He likes being alone. He is great at fighting and not that great at hunting. He is also hottempered and has an attitude.
Other: Hiya friendeh! XD
Picture/Description: His main coat and underfur are black. Markings: Red, body: Chimera 1, tail: Skeleton, Head: Mask. He has a dark red-ish eyecover mane and back mane. He has a wolf tail and he isn't that very muscular. He also has red fire eyes and ripped ears.
RP Example: The males body was slithering over the snowy forest. The male observed around him as his ears picked up every noise. Even the rat's movement. He was hungry and needed something to eat. he hated winter. The stupid cold snow and ice on wich you can fall. Then in a second he jumped to his left as blood splattered over the snow. He killed the rat that was crawling around him. He was annoyed by it at it was hurting his ears, the queeking and clawing.

Banzai (Dunno how to post pic's sorry)

Personality: I think Banzai is a hot headed and short tempered, selfish hyena. Yet at times this hyena can be very funny and silly. We could say he swing's moods in a second. He also doesn't like being bossed around pretty much. He is actually the one who like's to boss others. Yet he is devoted to Scar and has never and I guess will never turn his back on the dark lion.

Past RP experience: I have RP-ed wolves, lions, hyenas, tigers, horses, zebras and many other animals. I have mainly RP-ed wolves and hyenas. I actually started off of WQ(wolf quest) as a fail. I actually started RPing at 9. A great RPer with a pack let me join his pack and taught me how to RP. I have been in many known pack's, like Green Plains, Savage Tenacity and many other's. I am also on FH in Animal Paradise wich is a very known all animal RP. Yet I am in it as another character. I have RP-ed for about 5 years but I'm still learning.

Why should you pick me: Truely... I don't know. Maybe because of my RP experience maybe because of anything else. Yet I have watched TLK over and over again. The first part the second part and the third part. Even though I don't know if the third part was official. I still love TLK. My favourite character is Banzai. I could actually say I am something like him. I would love RPing him. I hope I get accepted as him but if I don't I can always make another charry that isn't Banzai and join. :)

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