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Messages - Kelhati

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:14:15 pm »
Loving these ideas, but what about climbing? Would there be any way to make that possible in-game, or at least easier than it is now? I've seen a lot of RPs where someone has posted about climbing into a tree, had to try to glitch up it, then just stand at the bottom and say to pretend they're in it. I had to give my Warrior Cat wings for a minute so I could get up into a tree. And plus, when you have a small character, you tend to go INSIDE the tree.
And, would the ability to change your name in-game be too complicated? On the same cat, when he got his clan name, I had to go back to edit the character and change the name from Bobber to LeopardPelt. Then I couldn't manage to get back in for a few hours as I drowned in the sea of bad tokens and failed attempts to connect to the server, and when I finally could no one was around anymore.

Another thing, something like the group initials in a line under the name idea. I'm sure everyone here has seen someone that has to have their species in their name to avoid confusion, could there be a line or spot or something, anything, for just this? Sure, people put it in their bios, but more often than not unless others are told, they will not read someone's bio. On my old fennec I had "Species: Fennec Fox" as almost the first words of the bio, and still everyone thought I was a pup or coyote until I put it in my name. But then, sometimes when someone said my name they would put the species there too, as if it were a last name. -facepalm-
Plus, some characters have a long name, and can't fit it.

A little nitpick: A different position for flying? It just.. looks.. really dumb to me right now.. It barely looks like they're flying to me sometimes.  The position is fine for hovering, but when you're giving chase the whole flying thing is kind of dumb, given the speed and position. A small change of position when you start moving, the hind legs moving more back, everything straightening up a bit, would maybe look nicer.
Also, has anyone noticed you seem to be naturally looking up more than you're supposed to while flying? That's a tad annoying. Have to look down and freeze just to kind of be looking ahead.

Also, somewhere I saw an idea for paw pad colors; Instead of the trouble of an animation for lifting a foreleg so you can see, there could  be an image of a paw pad somewhere that's of the same shade and texture as the one on the foot. Problem solved.

Also also, *cough**cough*

Game Discussion / Re: 500 things we learned from Feral Heart
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:13:39 pm »
199. Everyone knows your character's name even if you were never introduced to each other
Ohh the downsides of nametags..

200. Birds can have a broken wing, one leg bitten off, and have their torso clamped down on, and they'll still "Wiggle away" and take down a few hyenas with a bunch of "Perfectly placed" slashes from their talons and beak, regardless of whether they're a bird of prey or a finch.
201. Newborn pups/cubs can survive for months without a mother to nurse on.
202. Said cubs and pups can also instantly grow into an adult.
203. Newborns already have dyed scene hair.
204. Kits can see just a few minutes after birth.
205. Making a half demon, half vampire, half chosen one character is so edgey.
206. All parents are dead, lost, or split from a fire.
207. Warrior Cats will RP with a living skeleton wolf, a giant black and neon red cat, a giant black and green cat with a neon red tail, a wolfified Team Fortress 2 pyro, a superpowered human, but not a natural Fennec Fox.

Forum Games / Re: In your pants
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:15:02 pm »
Eet in my pants.

-facecat-, I jsut call the server shutdown a ban, cause im to lazy to type server shutdown, Now can we PLEASE move on
Well there's quite a difference between a shutdown and a ban.

Why is the Game surver offline?
Didn't you.. even read the first post..

Tommorow FeralHeart is back! Yay! Anyway is there any animals besides wolfs and lions/cats on FeralHeart? Because on one screenshot the header shows Zebras!
The zebras are objects, gotten from Impressive Title I assume.

The internet is huge though, there are plenty of online games to play.
Doesn't mean we want to play them xD
Guys, just go play Pandemic II or Minecraft or something for the rest of the day. It'll make it go by a lot faster than sitting there staring at the time. Or you can sleep the day away.
I'm going with Spore. See y'all.

I guess this week's gone by relatively fast now that I look back on it. I kind of need to make myself register that tomorrow is the 31st.

Whats Kov's time zone? (if we know this then we can all get on at 12:00 tonight :D, if it the 30th wre he is though D:)
Can somone that knows how to add a pict to theur singature P.M me too? I dotn wanna get offtopic that much

Kov isn't the one who shut down the game. Razmirz did, I believe.

I thought the servers would come back on on the 31st? Tomorrow's the 30th.
Oh well, it might be just me being unobservant and/or forgetful XP

Hmm its the 30th over here. Different timezones?
Weeell you are in Australia and all..

O.O What will I do!?  Seven days without will I survive!? 

Of course, trolls usually leave when a game goes down for a while.....

I hope I can still make maps while it's offline!  (though the game crashes whenever I do the hight map thingy) 

Really, if you have so much trouble with ban evaders, just ban their IP.....
1. There's only two days left, soo..
2. You can, and when you make them, do you use only one layer, in grayscale mode, size 513x513?
3. They can change their IP.

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