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Messages - MagicCarpet

Pages: [1]
News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:55:23 pm »

Uhm... I'm sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with it. The only thing I'm missing is my picture, but I couldn't get that. Everything looks fine to me.

0__o What? What's wrong with it? I'll fix it if I need to...

(Note: I'm sorry about not getting a head-shot. My computer was acting up.)
.: Name :. Magikenporium. Magik or Porium is fine as well.
.: Gender :. Female.
.: Age :. Three years and eight months.
.: Desired Rank :. Huntress.
.: Personality :. Magik is a very adventurous lioness and loves to explore the unknown. However, her curiosity and foolishness to use her senses sometimes ends up getting her lost. Despite this, she is a fairly well-trained huntress and can practically hunt anything, anytime, anywhere. You just tell her and she goes. When she's first introduced into new lions, she may be a little shy at first, but once she gets to know them, she'll be friendly.
.: History :. Magik was born in a barren wasteland with little food and water, raised by her caring mother. As she grew older, she wandered away from her pride more and more each day and eventually taught herself to hunt, with some help of the other lionesses in her pride. Her adventurous self, in time, had her go off from her pride and venture into the unknown, wondering what her future held. 
.: Role-play Sample :. The brown pelted lioness yawned, exposing her sharp canines to the world and pulled herself up, balancing upon her haunches, watching the sun appear over the horizon. A new day. A new opportunity to eat. Another waste of time being alone. As the land around her eventually was put into her view by the sun, which was now in the sky, curiosity overpowered her and she set off in her never ending journey to find some life, some prey, and hopefully a pride. What lay ahead of her she did not know, but the day-dream of what might happen enlargened as she accidentally crossed the border of a pride...

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Aristodemos Pride
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:16:18 am »
[[Note: Sorry, but my computers being a butthead and it doesn't let me take pictures on Feral Heart... So, unfortunatly, I don't have one. Will that hold me back from joining?]]

Name: Skyler
Age: Around 2-3 months
Gender: Female
Mate: N/A
Children: N/A
Position: Cub/Pup
Forum/In-game Username: MagicCarpet

((Sorry about no picture, my computer won't let me take one...))

In-game name: MagicCarpet
Name: Raula
Gender: Female
Age: Youth
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Raula is a character that you'll have to get used to. She usually keeps to herself and doen't talk much, giving everyone the silent treatment. She is also very mellow, unlike most youths, but this female can have a bad temper, so don't be off guard when she snaps you one. But despite her bad temper, she doesn't have the heart to hurt or worse, kill a living creature. If she ripped the smallest stem of grass from its roots, she'll become guilty. In time, Raula will come around and trust the members of the pack, but for now, you'll just have to be patient and let her do her thing. She has a complicated past for one so young and would rather not talk about it. The only remnants of her history are scars etched upon her hind legs.
Desired Rank: Offspring.
Other: Has a slight limp in the back left leg from her scratches, but it's not serious.

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