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Messages - dododoobird

Pages: [1]
Renegade Row / Re: Renegade Row Applications
« on: January 02, 2021, 01:36:00 am »
-What is your character's name?: Tariku

-Are they a wolf, or a lion?: Lion! (Transvaal lion if I'm being specific)

-What do they look like? Please provide either a picture, screenshot, reference sheet, or describe what they look like:

-What rank branch are you looking to place them in (Fighter, Guard, Hunter, Medic, Rankless)?: Rankless but can this be changed in the future when I stop being a coward

-How well do you feel your roleplaying skills are?: Fairly good. maybe 7/10

-If you feel they are poor or that you are new to roleplaying, are you willing to work towards improving your skills?: Yes always please tell me if I'm doing stuff wrong

-1 to 10, how active are you in-game?: 7 but wanting to be more active

-Why do you want to join Renegade Row?:

-Do you like Spaghetti? (optional): I have mixed feelings towards spaghetti (the food). Depends on the toppings.

Pages: [1]