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Messages - MagicCrafter

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News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 24, 2016, 01:37:48 am »
First and foremost, I think it is wonderful that we can voice our opinions on here like adults without getting into an argument. I have seen a lot of disagreements on other forums and websites, and it is nice to know that everyone is being civil.

Secondly, I have a lot to say about this. Again, Konata has a valid point. These updates were sprung onto us out of nowhere. It would have been nice to at least get some sort of a warning. And the old maps seemed fine. Why not just add the newer maps instead of changing everything? Now FeralHeart is lagging more and people are crashing more often. I know that is something to expect when such a major update occurs, but it is kind of a nuisance.

Instead of changing the maps and such, why not improve customization? Sure, everyone can download marking and item packs, but if you do not have the exact same markings then you end up seeing marshmallows. Or if the items and markings are in a different order, you end up seeing the wrong markings/items on others' characters. It would have been nice if certain marking and item packs could have been implemented so that you would not have to worry about downloading them over and over when you re-install the game.

Also, advertising is fairly difficult because we have to depend on the movie feature. You cannot type as much with the feature as you can in the chat, which does not always get all of the necessary details out. It would be nice if there were a chat feature solely for advertising. Besides, the movies barely play for some of us, and it can be annoying to have to restart the game just to get it to work for a little bit. It would even be helpful if there were a search tool for finding active groups. Right now the current group search feature just allows us to find groups; even the really old and/or inactive groups. It would be great if we could find groups by using search criteria.

I'm sorry if this is not the place to write ideas, and again I am not meaning to disrespect the staff.

Yes, this patch was unexpected but, they saw it as a little surprise persay.
Yes, the maps did seem fine, but to the staff and possibly others they weren't. They were huge and had little to barely anything in them. They lagged constantly ( for some users ) and it was problematic. Plus, they didn't know whom the creators of said maps were or where they came from. If they could put new maps in, I don't think it would've been possible. Staff was only doing what was best and most actually liked the step they took. They can only work with what they have and there's bound to be someone that isn't pleased with the patch, etc. Understandable that most will feel like you do because there hasn't been changed for 4+ years so it can be a bit sad that something like this happen, having to adjust all over again.

Another thing, not everyone enjoys some of the legendary markings / items and see no need to change. Some might actually like the original designs and they have a right to download the markings / items packs or not. It's their choice.

Advertising is going to happen virtually anywhere the player sees fit and it's their choice whether to leave or not. If there was such an option to solely advertise, like general, then that privilege might be abused, like it happened with General probably and we'll be back to square one, yet again. Players can advertise in a different locale or simply stay put, again their choice.

As for the crashing, it will happen if the computer simply can't handle it, too crowded of an area, etc. etc. And unless you want a new computer or if you want to try adjusting your settings, there isn't much that can be done.

Again, the community was asking for change and was tired of the change and such, but again, it wasn't going to please everyone. That's simply how games work, communities, real life etc.

But trust me, your opinions are heard ~ ^^;

Edit: To avoid the spam, you could offer your ideas to a staff and see if they can assist you in some way about the update and such.

After giving it some thought through iv decided to give the new update a shot and just try to work with it i don't want to make this an a debate as both points are valid and opinions is what make us human. Iv took the time to look around the map and there is some place I really like and I also had a little tour of the place from someone who was very willing to do that for me and I thank them for that :) Tho I still miss the old maps and would like it maybe in the future if maybe they could be added so people can re-live there old FH memories as I had spoken to a few members of what thought of the new update and they all pretty much loved it but also talked about adding a snow map and adding the old maps into it but all in all loved them so it got me thinking I should just give it a shot so I spent some time looking around and specking with my fellow FH's and It was nice and I think the maps will just take time to get used to but i can deal with that and I would also like to give a big thanks to the staff who did work to make the maps the way there are there is a lot of detail and effort gone into them. As I only go on FH In my free time when I'm not working of doing commissions I have noticed a lot of old members return and some fairly new players and the one thing I'm please about is how It has brought us more together as before there was a lot of no socializing but It has seemed to have changed so I was very please with that and that the maps have a range of people In them. Like I said in my previous comment I think I came across a little selfish but it can be hard to lose all them memories but It will take time to get used to and I can deal with that sometimes its about change and just enjoying it instead of being butt hurt and I was XD and I do apologize If I came across rude or angry about the hole thing and for that I'm sorry. But for now I will keep looking around and find new players I can make really good friends with. Also I'd like to point out the web site page as well its much better then before and looks more tidy as I can find what I'm looking for what the more browner tones fit perfect for the game :) 

So I'd like to thank all the staff that put there time and effort into the game and also the webpage its self
and apologize for coming across ungrateful but maybe in the long term maybe the staff can talk about adding the old maps into it? for old time sake just to go back into the old game and be like this is where it all began I think that would be amazing for other players :)

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 11:49:03 pm »
I have to agree with Konata on this. I have been a member since 2011, and everything just seems wrong now. I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work that has been put in on this update, but it is my opinion that it was unnecessary. I get that it is my opinion and that others may not agree with it, but I just believe that so many other things could have been done instead. We already had good (and decently sized) maps, and we already have custom maps. I think that if FeralHeart+ taught us anything, it is that new maps may be kind of cool, but they can also be a pain in the butt. I have yet to log on and try it out for myself, but I have watched a friend try it out and such, and it already seems like a pain. I just think other things could have been done instead.

I am saying all of this as a player; I know that there is a lot to consider and a lot of work that is put into running a game. This is not meant as a critique on the staff or anything of the sort. I just wish that FeralHeart was fun again. I love and encourage changes in games, but I am put off by this change.

You're allowed to have your own opinions. (:

It's really not a bad update in my opinion! I love the new maps, how much detail there is in them, as well as the updates for Lonely cave, etc. It's not hard to get used too. It's quite easy, and there are updated Markings, as well as Items already that work with the game. ~

The update I saw got a lot of old members to return, and the larger, more, and more detailed maps, makes roleplaying mapless roleplays a lot more nice! As some people cannot download maps, or choose not too, to avoid getting anything, etc.

But does it make a game more enjoyable if there is more detail? Or if there is more places to go its about the time you spend with the people you meet and just enjoying what the game was and about every game has its floors fait enough but not being able to play because its crashing or never being able to rp with old friend because they hate the new update sucks yes I agree that some of the updates are great like the butt swing one but that really never botherd me as much but I no others it bothered I think changing a hole game like that is going to effect those who join and play in my opinion there should be a way for those who want the old game back because this update is not for me it complex and confusing to many people in just one map from what iv seen the grounds is the most used map and I hate the new markings my sonas face markings now look like a patch of mud on her face :/ looks nothing like her design there should be some sort of debate about the old and new game
Not trying to argue with anyone, was stating my opinion just like anyone else.

Yes I do think it's better and more enjoyable to have more detailed, and unique maps rather than practically empty maps that are very.. boring, with no effort put into them. The legendary marking pack was updated to work with  the game as well as items.

I see nothing wrong with the update, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It's not as bad as people make it out to seem. ^^

I'm not causing an argument just expressing my views on the matter there should have been a discussion about the change of the game with the people who play It it was like bam and here is your new update of the game out of no where I'm not saying that the people who worked on it did not try because they did they did a wonderful job trying to please other players but some of just want the way it was before and I'm glad you guys can enjoy something I can not anymore then fair enough but its just a shame to see so many people turn there backs on a game they have played on for years and years....

Those that have 'turned their backs' on this game could be players that were so quick to point out the flaws with the matter, rather than sticking it out and letting it settle with them ( in my opinion of course ). It was easy to sit behind a screen and point out all the flaws of the matter and not be grateful than to try and view the matter as whole.
You have given the game a shot at least, even if it was only a few days and that's still better than nothing.
You don't have to stay and force yourself to enjoy the game. The update isn't right for everyone, which is a shame and if you no longer feel the ties with the game then you are free to play something else ( NOT to come off as harsh, I promise ? ). If you need a break to reevaluate or take some more time trying to get used to the whole new Feral-Heart, because for most, it could take a while since it has been the same for 4+ years now, so an update can be a bit M A J O R  for those that have joined FH since the release, then you're free to do whatever you feel is right as long as you don't step out of bounds with it. c:

The update is more the major it bloody confused me xD I had no idea what had happend to the game I just think there should have been a discussion about remaking it  with the people who play it thake in there ideas and views as well

Ja, it was a surprise that's for sure and even the staff apologized for the sudden update but they were doing was was best I'm sure. And hej, it's not like they're rejecting our ideas. Some floofs actually made or are trying to revamp some of the old maps at least, there's a new one for both South Pole & Temple Of Dreams I believe ^^
The staff are hearing us out and throughout the years, we were practically 'screaming' change for the FH game and such and this was the result. If you have some ideas, I'm sure you can PM a staff or even make a thread about it. They're bound to hear ^^
And it can be confusing at first with all the new places and such, but this community is willing to help as long as this game is still running and even then some ?

And that I dont debate on the staff have down there best but it still would be nice to be able to go back into the old maps with out updates or new objects and I think that should be done for players who want the old maps back

First and foremost, I think it is wonderful that we can voice our opinions on here like adults without getting into an argument. I have seen a lot of disagreements on other forums and websites, and it is nice to know that everyone is being civil.

Secondly, I have a lot to say about this. Again, Konata has a valid point. These updates were sprung onto us out of nowhere. It would have been nice to at least get some sort of a warning. And the old maps seemed fine. Why not just add the newer maps instead of changing everything? Now FeralHeart is lagging more and people are crashing more often. I know that is something to expect when such a major update occurs, but it is kind of a nuisance.

Instead of changing the maps and such, why not improve customization? Sure, everyone can download marking and item packs, but if you do not have the exact same markings then you end up seeing marshmallows. Or if the items and markings are in a different order, you end up seeing the wrong markings/items on others' characters. It would have been nice if certain marking and item packs could have been implemented so that you would not have to worry about downloading them over and over when you re-install the game.

Also, advertising is fairly difficult because we have to depend on the movie feature. You cannot type as much with the feature as you can in the chat, which does not always get all of the necessary details out. It would be nice if there were a chat feature solely for advertising. Besides, the movies barely play for some of us, and it can be annoying to have to restart the game just to get it to work for a little bit. It would even be helpful if there were a search tool for finding active groups. Right now the current group search feature just allows us to find groups; even the really old and/or inactive groups. It would be great if we could find groups by using search criteria.

I'm sorry if this is not the place to write ideas, and again I am not meaning to disrespect the staff.

I totally agree with you Taylor these little things would have made the game more enjoyable well to me at least aha I think there should be some sort of agreement or debate among the staff and fellow people of fh to decide on bringing the old maps back even if its just adding them into the new lonely cave maybe more old members will come back then its a win situation all-round or even adding little things as Taylor pointed out would make the game more enjoyable.

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:44:15 pm »
I have to agree with Konata on this. I have been a member since 2011, and everything just seems wrong now. I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work that has been put in on this update, but it is my opinion that it was unnecessary. I get that it is my opinion and that others may not agree with it, but I just believe that so many other things could have been done instead. We already had good (and decently sized) maps, and we already have custom maps. I think that if FeralHeart+ taught us anything, it is that new maps may be kind of cool, but they can also be a pain in the butt. I have yet to log on and try it out for myself, but I have watched a friend try it out and such, and it already seems like a pain. I just think other things could have been done instead.

I am saying all of this as a player; I know that there is a lot to consider and a lot of work that is put into running a game. This is not meant as a critique on the staff or anything of the sort. I just wish that FeralHeart was fun again. I love and encourage changes in games, but I am put off by this change.

You're allowed to have your own opinions. (:

It's really not a bad update in my opinion! I love the new maps, how much detail there is in them, as well as the updates for Lonely cave, etc. It's not hard to get used too. It's quite easy, and there are updated Markings, as well as Items already that work with the game. ~

The update I saw got a lot of old members to return, and the larger, more, and more detailed maps, makes roleplaying mapless roleplays a lot more nice! As some people cannot download maps, or choose not too, to avoid getting anything, etc.

But does it make a game more enjoyable if there is more detail? Or if there is more places to go its about the time you spend with the people you meet and just enjoying what the game was and about every game has its floors fait enough but not being able to play because its crashing or never being able to rp with old friend because they hate the new update sucks yes I agree that some of the updates are great like the butt swing one but that really never botherd me as much but I no others it bothered I think changing a hole game like that is going to effect those who join and play in my opinion there should be a way for those who want the old game back because this update is not for me it complex and confusing to many people in just one map from what iv seen the grounds is the most used map and I hate the new markings my sonas face markings now look like a patch of mud on her face :/ looks nothing like her design there should be some sort of debate about the old and new game
Not trying to argue with anyone, was stating my opinion just like anyone else.

Yes I do think it's better and more enjoyable to have more detailed, and unique maps rather than practically empty maps that are very.. boring, with no effort put into them. The legendary marking pack was updated to work with  the game as well as items.

I see nothing wrong with the update, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It's not as bad as people make it out to seem. ^^

I'm not causing an argument just expressing my views on the matter there should have been a discussion about the change of the game with the people who play It it was like bam and here is your new update of the game out of no where I'm not saying that the people who worked on it did not try because they did they did a wonderful job trying to please other players but some of just want the way it was before and I'm glad you guys can enjoy something I can not anymore then fair enough but its just a shame to see so many people turn there backs on a game they have played on for years and years....

Those that have 'turned their backs' on this game could be players that were so quick to point out the flaws with the matter, rather than sticking it out and letting it settle with them ( in my opinion of course ). It was easy to sit behind a screen and point out all the flaws of the matter and not be grateful than to try and view the matter as whole.
You have given the game a shot at least, even if it was only a few days and that's still better than nothing.
You don't have to stay and force yourself to enjoy the game. The update isn't right for everyone, which is a shame and if you no longer feel the ties with the game then you are free to play something else ( NOT to come off as harsh, I promise ? ). If you need a break to reevaluate or take some more time trying to get used to the whole new Feral-Heart, because for most, it could take a while since it has been the same for 4+ years now, so an update can be a bit M A J O R  for those that have joined FH since the release, then you're free to do whatever you feel is right as long as you don't step out of bounds with it. c:

The update is more the major it bloody confused me xD I had no idea what had happend to the game I just think there should have been a discussion about remaking it  with the people who play it thake in there ideas and views as well

Ja, it was a surprise that's for sure and even the staff apologized for the sudden update but they were doing was was best I'm sure. And hej, it's not like they're rejecting our ideas. Some floofs actually made or are trying to revamp some of the old maps at least, there's a new one for both South Pole & Temple Of Dreams I believe ^^
The staff are hearing us out and throughout the years, we were practically 'screaming' change for the FH game and such and this was the result. If you have some ideas, I'm sure you can PM a staff or even make a thread about it. They're bound to hear ^^
And it can be confusing at first with all the new places and such, but this community is willing to help as long as this game is still running and even then some ?

And that I dont debate on the staff have down there best but it still would be nice to be able to go back into the old maps with out updates or new objects and I think that should be done for players who want the old maps back

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 06:17:37 am »
I have to agree with Konata on this. I have been a member since 2011, and everything just seems wrong now. I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work that has been put in on this update, but it is my opinion that it was unnecessary. I get that it is my opinion and that others may not agree with it, but I just believe that so many other things could have been done instead. We already had good (and decently sized) maps, and we already have custom maps. I think that if FeralHeart+ taught us anything, it is that new maps may be kind of cool, but they can also be a pain in the butt. I have yet to log on and try it out for myself, but I have watched a friend try it out and such, and it already seems like a pain. I just think other things could have been done instead.

I am saying all of this as a player; I know that there is a lot to consider and a lot of work that is put into running a game. This is not meant as a critique on the staff or anything of the sort. I just wish that FeralHeart was fun again. I love and encourage changes in games, but I am put off by this change.

You're allowed to have your own opinions. (:

It's really not a bad update in my opinion! I love the new maps, how much detail there is in them, as well as the updates for Lonely cave, etc. It's not hard to get used too. It's quite easy, and there are updated Markings, as well as Items already that work with the game. ~

The update I saw got a lot of old members to return, and the larger, more, and more detailed maps, makes roleplaying mapless roleplays a lot more nice! As some people cannot download maps, or choose not too, to avoid getting anything, etc.

But does it make a game more enjoyable if there is more detail? Or if there is more places to go its about the time you spend with the people you meet and just enjoying what the game was and about every game has its floors fait enough but not being able to play because its crashing or never being able to rp with old friend because they hate the new update sucks yes I agree that some of the updates are great like the butt swing one but that really never botherd me as much but I no others it bothered I think changing a hole game like that is going to effect those who join and play in my opinion there should be a way for those who want the old game back because this update is not for me it complex and confusing to many people in just one map from what iv seen the grounds is the most used map and I hate the new markings my sonas face markings now look like a patch of mud on her face :/ looks nothing like her design there should be some sort of debate about the old and new game
Not trying to argue with anyone, was stating my opinion just like anyone else.

Yes I do think it's better and more enjoyable to have more detailed, and unique maps rather than practically empty maps that are very.. boring, with no effort put into them. The legendary marking pack was updated to work with  the game as well as items.

I see nothing wrong with the update, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It's not as bad as people make it out to seem. ^^

I'm not causing an argument just expressing my views on the matter there should have been a discussion about the change of the game with the people who play It it was like bam and here is your new update of the game out of no where I'm not saying that the people who worked on it did not try because they did they did a wonderful job trying to please other players but some of just want the way it was before and I'm glad you guys can enjoy something I can not anymore then fair enough but its just a shame to see so many people turn there backs on a game they have played on for years and years....

Those that have 'turned their backs' on this game could be players that were so quick to point out the flaws with the matter, rather than sticking it out and letting it settle with them ( in my opinion of course ). It was easy to sit behind a screen and point out all the flaws of the matter and not be grateful than to try and view the matter as whole.
You have given the game a shot at least, even if it was only a few days and that's still better than nothing.
You don't have to stay and force yourself to enjoy the game. The update isn't right for everyone, which is a shame and if you no longer feel the ties with the game then you are free to play something else ( NOT to come off as harsh, I promise ? ). If you need a break to reevaluate or take some more time trying to get used to the whole new Feral-Heart, because for most, it could take a while since it has been the same for 4+ years now, so an update can be a bit M A J O R  for those that have joined FH since the release, then you're free to do whatever you feel is right as long as you don't step out of bounds with it. c:

The update is more the major it bloody confused me xD I had no idea what had happend to the game I just think there should have been a discussion about remaking it  with the people who play it thake in there ideas and views as well

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:50:55 am »
I have to agree with Konata on this. I have been a member since 2011, and everything just seems wrong now. I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work that has been put in on this update, but it is my opinion that it was unnecessary. I get that it is my opinion and that others may not agree with it, but I just believe that so many other things could have been done instead. We already had good (and decently sized) maps, and we already have custom maps. I think that if FeralHeart+ taught us anything, it is that new maps may be kind of cool, but they can also be a pain in the butt. I have yet to log on and try it out for myself, but I have watched a friend try it out and such, and it already seems like a pain. I just think other things could have been done instead.

I am saying all of this as a player; I know that there is a lot to consider and a lot of work that is put into running a game. This is not meant as a critique on the staff or anything of the sort. I just wish that FeralHeart was fun again. I love and encourage changes in games, but I am put off by this change.

You're allowed to have your own opinions. (:

It's really not a bad update in my opinion! I love the new maps, how much detail there is in them, as well as the updates for Lonely cave, etc. It's not hard to get used too. It's quite easy, and there are updated Markings, as well as Items already that work with the game. ~

The update I saw got a lot of old members to return, and the larger, more, and more detailed maps, makes roleplaying mapless roleplays a lot more nice! As some people cannot download maps, or choose not too, to avoid getting anything, etc.

But does it make a game more enjoyable if there is more detail? Or if there is more places to go its about the time you spend with the people you meet and just enjoying what the game was and about every game has its floors fait enough but not being able to play because its crashing or never being able to rp with old friend because they hate the new update sucks yes I agree that some of the updates are great like the butt swing one but that really never botherd me as much but I no others it bothered I think changing a hole game like that is going to effect those who join and play in my opinion there should be a way for those who want the old game back because this update is not for me it complex and confusing to many people in just one map from what iv seen the grounds is the most used map and I hate the new markings my sonas face markings now look like a patch of mud on her face :/ looks nothing like her design there should be some sort of debate about the old and new game
Not trying to argue with anyone, was stating my opinion just like anyone else.

Yes I do think it's better and more enjoyable to have more detailed, and unique maps rather than practically empty maps that are very.. boring, with no effort put into them. The legendary marking pack was updated to work with  the game as well as items.

I see nothing wrong with the update, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It's not as bad as people make it out to seem. ^^

I'm not causing an argument just expressing my views on the matter there should have been a discussion about the change of the game with the people who play It it was like bam and here is your new update of the game out of no where I'm not saying that the people who worked on it did not try because they did they did a wonderful job trying to please other players but some of just want the way it was before and I'm glad you guys can enjoy something I can not anymore then fair enough but its just a shame to see so many people turn there backs on a game they have played on for years and years....

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:38:40 am »
I have to agree with Konata on this. I have been a member since 2011, and everything just seems wrong now. I acknowledge and appreciate the hard work that has been put in on this update, but it is my opinion that it was unnecessary. I get that it is my opinion and that others may not agree with it, but I just believe that so many other things could have been done instead. We already had good (and decently sized) maps, and we already have custom maps. I think that if FeralHeart+ taught us anything, it is that new maps may be kind of cool, but they can also be a pain in the butt. I have yet to log on and try it out for myself, but I have watched a friend try it out and such, and it already seems like a pain. I just think other things could have been done instead.

I am saying all of this as a player; I know that there is a lot to consider and a lot of work that is put into running a game. This is not meant as a critique on the staff or anything of the sort. I just wish that FeralHeart was fun again. I love and encourage changes in games, but I am put off by this change.

You're allowed to have your own opinions. (:

It's really not a bad update in my opinion! I love the new maps, how much detail there is in them, as well as the updates for Lonely cave, etc. It's not hard to get used too. It's quite easy, and there are updated Markings, as well as Items already that work with the game. ~

The update I saw got a lot of old members to return, and the larger, more, and more detailed maps, makes roleplaying mapless roleplays a lot more nice! As some people cannot download maps, or choose not too, to avoid getting anything, etc.

But does it make a game more enjoyable if there is more detail? Or if there is more places to go its about the time you spend with the people you meet and just enjoying what the game was and about every game has its floors fait enough but not being able to play because its crashing or never being able to rp with old friend because they hate the new update sucks yes I agree that some of the updates are great like the butt swing one but that really never botherd me as much but I no others it bothered I think changing a hole game like that is going to effect those who join and play in my opinion there should be a way for those who want the old game back because this update is not for me it complex and confusing to many people in just one map from what iv seen the grounds is the most used map and I hate the new markings my sonas face markings now look like a patch of mud on her face :/ looks nothing like her design there should be some sort of debate about the old and new game

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:43:12 am »
So after reading about the update and all of its new content I downloaded it to see what it had to offer to the new and old players of Feral Heart, Iv been playing on FH for years back in the days when general chat was still around and I understand that its been 4 years and that the game needed an update but I  cant help but dislike it, The game ran so lovely in till the update now I cant play it unless i'm logged back out again on the play game section its super laggy it crashes every time I enter a portal and the maps are quite small for a load of people to just join on and play with there friends I really want the old game back it was better so what if it needed revamping up its what made the game being able to play it was a start and all my downloaded content dose not work either everyone looks like a ghost and I cant move 2 inches with out glitching or disconnecting, Now before anyone says i'm being harsh or nasty or uncalled for  because the game did need a bit of shining up and Red did try and make it better for players but the game is not the same anymore :/ a lot of the old players don't even wanna play anymore and the numbers of players have gone down from there 5000 on wards down to 500 i'm just specking in the behalf of people who have been on FH for years so please do not get angry or upset at this post because I have the right to express my opinion towards the update as much as everyone else I just hope that there will be a way players could also play on the old maps again the way it used to be the way FH was meant to be.

You are completely entitled to your own opinion fluff. But at least give the new update a chance? There are ways to make gameplay better. You could try turning reflections off and putting your view distance to zero. Maybe try changing your rendering system. I can't make you give it a chance, but maybe you should consider trying to fix it and if it works, play around a bit. There are lots of lovely places now. ^^

I have try'ed it and gave it a chance for about 3 days and i can get along with it iv turned the water reflection off and such and I still cant get on with it it may have lovely new places but that's not what makes a game D: its about the enjoyment you have with your friends and people you meet and that what the old FH did I cant get on with the the update its not my cuppa tea it may be to others be because its a hole new game change there will be a lot of mixed views iv try'ed but its nothing giving me any enjoyment anymore :(

Sorry you feel that way floof ~!
Maybe you could try installing the light version if you're having some connection issues(?) or if it's continuing to lag for you.
Also, marking and items have been updated for this game so you can try and download them and that'll make the characters not look like ghosts anymore ^^

I understand that I should give it a chance and all that but its not may laptop that's the problem I mean i can play skyrim on this thing :/ I'm just upset about losing all those memory's and the people who I used to RP with I strongly believe that we should still be able to play the old game as well as the new then its a win win situation Iv try'ed with the update iv try'ed to the best of my ability but I cant cope with it :/ its confusing all of it to me Its just a shame to lose all that from years of playing and growing up on this game

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:20:20 am »
So after reading about the update and all of its new content I downloaded it to see what it had to offer to the new and old players of Feral Heart, Iv been playing on FH for years back in the days when general chat was still around and I understand that its been 4 years and that the game needed an update but I  cant help but dislike it, The game ran so lovely in till the update now I cant play it unless i'm logged back out again on the play game section its super laggy it crashes every time I enter a portal and the maps are quite small for a load of people to just join on and play with there friends I really want the old game back it was better so what if it needed revamping up its what made the game being able to play it was a start and all my downloaded content dose not work either everyone looks like a ghost and I cant move 2 inches with out glitching or disconnecting, Now before anyone says i'm being harsh or nasty or uncalled for  because the game did need a bit of shining up and Red did try and make it better for players but the game is not the same anymore :/ a lot of the old players don't even wanna play anymore and the numbers of players have gone down from there 5000 on wards down to 500 i'm just specking in the behalf of people who have been on FH for years so please do not get angry or upset at this post because I have the right to express my opinion towards the update as much as everyone else I just hope that there will be a way players could also play on the old maps again the way it used to be the way FH was meant to be.

You are completely entitled to your own opinion fluff. But at least give the new update a chance? There are ways to make gameplay better. You could try turning reflections off and putting your view distance to zero. Maybe try changing your rendering system. I can't make you give it a chance, but maybe you should consider trying to fix it and if it works, play around a bit. There are lots of lovely places now. ^^

I have try'ed it and gave it a chance for about 3 days and i can get along with it iv turned the water reflection off and such and I still cant get on with it it may have lovely new places but that's not what makes a game D: its about the enjoyment you have with your friends and people you meet and that what the old FH did I cant get on with the the update its not my cuppa tea it may be to others be because its a hole new game change there will be a lot of mixed views iv try'ed but its nothing giving me any enjoyment anymore :(

News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:52:34 am »
So after reading about the update and all of its new content I downloaded it to see what it had to offer to the new and old players of Feral Heart, Iv been playing on FH for years back in the days when general chat was still around and I understand that its been 4 years and that the game needed an update but I  cant help but dislike it, The game ran so lovely in till the update now I cant play it unless i'm logged back out again on the play game section its super laggy it crashes every time I enter a portal and the maps are quite small for a load of people to just join on and play with there friends I really want the old game back it was better so what if it needed revamping up its what made the game being able to play it was a start and all my downloaded content dose not work either everyone looks like a ghost and I cant move 2 inches with out glitching or disconnecting, Now before anyone says i'm being harsh or nasty or uncalled for  because the game did need a bit of shining up and Red did try and make it better for players but the game is not the same anymore :/ a lot of the old players don't even wanna play anymore and the numbers of players have gone down from there 5000 on wards down to 500 i'm just specking in the behalf of people who have been on FH for years so please do not get angry or upset at this post because I have the right to express my opinion towards the update as much as everyone else I just hope that there will be a way players could also play on the old maps again the way it used to be the way FH was meant to be.

Art Gallery / Re: FeralHeart Character Head Shots Open!
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:41:42 pm »
(@Preach) Adding you to the list ^^

(@?Enoki?) Yeah he is fine c: Can you send me a more close up of his face?

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