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Messages - l Syii l

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / Re: ~*~Syii's Presets!~*~
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:05:05 am »
I would love a bird preset..:) they so gawgeus!

Sorry for getting back to you a little late, thank you <3 and I am considering taking commissions in the near future. . .think I'd need a handful more screenies of my work before I attempt doing so though. Perhaps when I recover some of my old work.

Presets & Markings / ~*~Syii's Presets!~*~
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:33:50 am »
Welp it was about time I made one of these threads. Anyhow, I've gotten a lot better with this presetting gig and I think I might start taking requests. Sadly my old computer died not too long ago and I still have to recover a few of my presets, but when I do I'll be sure to post them up here as well.

--May I also add, all of the modified textures/manes do NOT belong to me and credit goes to their rightful owners.

Cooro the crow~ and yes, I am aware crows aren't brown. He just is, because I made him so. Making the transparency and the goggles work made me about want to rip my eyes out with a spork but it turned out well in the end.
If you want to see him in game, put this in your FeralHeart presets folder:
T'would be much appreciated <3

**That one's my most recent. I've also made a fish, my cat-like 'sona, and a Pokesona Shinx. I'll be sure to get those screenies up here as well. I'm playing around the idea of taking dA commissions, but I'm a little iffy on it. Think it'd go over well?

Game Help / Re: My friend is having issues...
« on: May 21, 2012, 12:43:10 am »
FH might not work in safe mode, has she tried it in normal windows?
Yes, though she has a bit of computer trouble and has to run in safe mode for her computer to function properly. So I'm not entirely sure this can be solved.

Game Help / My friend is having issues...
« on: May 20, 2012, 11:55:30 pm »
I got my friend to download Feral Heart, but she's having some trouble getting it to work.

When she tries to run it, that's what happens. In viewing the troubleshooting, this is what it says:

Have any idea as to what the issue might be?

Pages: [1]