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Messages - SilverAlpha

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Birch Islands
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:32:33 am »
Birch Islands

A collection of 4 small islands float atop the ocean, far away from land. These islands were always a bit magical, seeing as 3 smaller islands floated above them and that the sky changed into a purple hue when you neared these islands. There used to be a few families living on these islands, but a strange crystal grew inside one island, causing dozens of birch trees to suddenly grow. Not only that but a giant tree grew near these 4 islands, emitting a strange aura which attracted animals to these islands. All the humans who inhabited the islands left, fearing their safety due to all these animals.

I actually have many unfinished maps but this was the only map that was near-finished, so I edited a few things and finished it. Seeing as I rarely go on FH anymore, you'll probably rarely see me in this map, thats why I'd really like it if you followed these rules.

1. If you plan on RPing here, please share the map with other players if they are present.
2. Not only that but respect them
3. You can swear here, but if there are other players present please either dont curse at all or curse in whisper/party/group chat.

Sorry I actually didn't have a tester to test out this map for me so if there are any mistakes I'll try to fix them... idk I was never the best at fixing things xD

Game Help / Map Maker Height map problems
« on: December 02, 2013, 10:15:54 pm »
I know there are a bunch of threads out there with Height Terrain help, but none of them seem to have the answer.
I recently just started making a new map, so I drew the Height terrain.
But every time I type it into the Map Maker, FH just freezes, gives me a 'FH has stopped working' message, and then closes.
I did everything correctly tho (At least I hope so).
I drew the terrain in GIMP, on Grayscale mode, the canvas was 513x513, I flattened the image and exported it as PNG into the Feralheart Terrains folder. The Mask map works just fine tho, so I dont even know whats going on with the Height map.

Finished Maps / Re: Vodka's first map//
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:29:15 am »
Wowie thank you for all the compliments ;U;
I spent about a month making it so thats probably why it looks... none-first-ish xD

Finished Maps / Re: Vodka's first map//
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:53:54 am »
Yeah, im trying to delete the second one. It says in the Help that there is Delete button but cant find itt

Finished Maps / PrivateMap (yet Public)
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:44:31 am »
Finally I finished my first map ;w;
There was absolutely no theme in it, except maybe for a little bit of a 'fantasy' theme center around it. But other than that, it was simply for fun.

IF anyone downloads it, I want you to tell me if there is anyway I can make the download easier or if something didnt work. Because exporting maps was kinda confusing and so agjweabj.

WARNING: I am not sure if these meshes lag your computer or not, since this is a desktop computer and it never lags, but this map has a lot of meshes in it. If your computer lags easily from a few meshes, I do not suggest downloading this.

Download Link
Yes the maps name is PrivateMap, I have no idea what else to name it. The portal is called PrivateMap so yeah.

AAAND here are some screenies. I wanted every area to have something special and new to discover, but alas I got lazy after 3 areas.

Cave of Glowing Mushrooms

Forest of autumn pine trees

Giant blossom tree with forest

Cave with glowing crystals

More of the cave with glowing crystals

The part where I got lazy at: The valley of floating trees and stuff

A lil village

Game Help / Re: HALP>.<
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:06:19 am »
Look at the top left of the Forum website. It tells you if the game is online and on the right hand side when you move your mouse over, you see how many people are in the maps.

At the moment, the server to the game is down so just be patient for right now
thanks, but what if i cant log back in when the server is back up?

It means that you probably have something wrong with your game. But if you've never had any problems with your game then its highly unlikely.

Game Help / Re: HALP>.<
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:00:24 am »
Well, the server is currently offline. Usually it will take forever to load and then give you a "couldn't log on to the server" message. But if it still doesn't load after the server is on, it could be a problem with your computer or FH.

Game Help / Map making music glitch?
« on: October 02, 2013, 03:29:11 am »
So im currently in the middle of attempting to finish my map (Imalazybutt). Now, I was never that good with putting in music into maps and right now I have a weird problem.

So I did everything on Red's tutorial on youtube on how to insert music into custom maps. I did it, I tested it out, so far everything works great EXCEPT at the end of the song. Suddenly theres some static and then the song loops again (The song is supposed to loop). I checked the song in Musicplayer and listened to it and at the end there is no static noise, therefore I guess it was a problem with F.H? Any solutions?

Art Gallery / Re: my pictures(update2)
« on: May 13, 2011, 10:03:57 pm »
Thats very pretty 0.0 i could stare at it all day..

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