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Messages - Treiga

Pages: [1] 2
I've added sound loops to the seagulls and waterfalls; adding seagulls to more parts of CotS; trying to figure out why FH doesn't want to load any new maps i make .-.
(sounds will be in the next update)

Finished Maps / Re: [ver 0.1] The Three Continents *update 2/24/2014*
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:30:32 am »
Added download link. Please let me know about any lag, missing items, ect.
Also, I do know that some part of Cave of Stories seems empty....I'll be working on it and the ocean parts of Scion Coast, which should be ready on the next update.
I also know that the bridge at the end of Cave of Stories leads to nowhere....Still working on the map it leads to. ;)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:27:32 pm »
I installed your mods, and they all worked beautifully(and looked beautiful too), but for some reason, after I installed and extracted this file to my FH folder, nothing in-game changed. All the textures edited by this mod stayed with the game's default textures (even though the default textures were replaced by new ones and are no longer in the game's files? o_O)  aliens

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart.exe has stopped responding
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:40:24 pm »
Thank you so much guys <3

Game Help / FeralHeart.exe has stopped responding
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:13:12 am »
Hey guys...
Only a few hours ago I was able to start my game and play just fine....Then I closed out my game to do a little work with my preset. Once I was finished, i tried to open up the game again, but right as Feral Heart starts, i get an error message that 'FeralHeat.exe has stopped responding'. I've tried redownloading the game, but i still crash when i open up the game.

Finished Maps / Re: The Three Continents (WIP)
« on: February 18, 2014, 11:15:56 pm »
Haha, thanks~
Just need to finish up the sky and weather cycles. Depending on how that goes (and tonight's homework), I might be able to start laying down objects later tonight. x3

I had been working on this project about a year ago when my computer decided to self destruct. I had been wanting to completely finish the maps before release, but with school coming quickly to an end for me, I wont have a ton of time on my hands to be working on it, so I will be releasing the maps as I finish them.
I will be changing the size of maps/objects as needed for players' needs. Please let me know about lag/abnormalities you find in the maps so i can fix it. <3

Eastern Continent : The vast majority of this large continent is desert, with the rare oasis.
Western Continent : This content is made up mostly of lush pine forests and grass plains.
Northern Continent : Though this continent has yet to be explored, it is said to be a volcanic, uninhabitable region.

Currently contains Coast of the Scion and Cave of Stories (eastern Continent)

*update 2/24/2014*
Version 0.1 can be downloaded here

[Change Log]
  • V0.1 (2/24/2014): Initial Release

Do these only work in map maker, because i put one of the textures on my map, and it shows up fine in map maker, but when i go into the actual game, they dont show up at all.(they game uses the texture i had before hand though)

Game Help / chead UV map
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:44:35 pm »
sooo...can anyone give me a copy of the chead uv map? i accidentally saved an image file wrong and it replaced the chead *derp derp derp* XD

it looks good so far ;D
add a fur texture(you can find some in free texture packs on google, or you can use the game's default texture)
idk about the lip though...are you sure your coloring the whole bottom lip?

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