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Messages - Aurora79

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Assassin Items Wanted
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:04:31 am »
Yeah i don't know how to, i need someone to make them for me if they can

Other Mods/Creations / Assassin Items Wanted
« on: June 04, 2012, 03:02:52 am »
I was wondering if anybody could make some assassin items. Like a hood and a dagger belt, maybe a cape, and things of the such. It would be much appreciated :)

Game Help / Help with Meshes!
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:18:11 pm »
So I downloaded some tree meshes for a map I'm making, and it's all fine in map maker but I cant see them in game. What am I doing wrong?

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Dragon's Blood

Dragon's Blood is an RP for dragons, of course. There are two clans of dragons, Light clan and Dark clan. We are just starting out and need many new members. I am planning to make a separate website for the plot and for the members to place their character bios. We are having a map made (thanks to Crin) and should have it up soon. Here are the ranks we need for Light clan, and all of Dark clan is empty.

Alpha Male: Rasta; Alpha Female: (empty)
Beta Male: (empty); Beta Female: (empty)
Border Watchers: (empty)
Warriors: (empty)
Witch Doctors: (empty)
Hatchling Watchers: (empty)
Hatchlings: (empty)

To Apply:
Char Name:
Picture or Description:
RP Sample:
Other things:

Hope to see you in dragons blood :)

Pack: The 1st one hopefully
Name: Jynx
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Breed: Husky
Personality: Jynx is usually secluded and doesn't speak much to anybody. She's fierce when her loved ones are endangered and loving when they're sick or disabled. She has a heavy foreign accent, as when she had an owner they spoke with that accent too, so her "wolf english" is mostly broken.
Strengths: identifying herbs, healing, sneaking
Weaknesses: blind
Anything else: She may be blind, but she has a well adapted sense of hearing and scent and can get herself around without help
Pic: I'm not sure how to add a picture :P
RP sample: She sniffs around, sensing other wolves around her. Again, wishing she still had her sight. As she continue looking for a particular wolf, she stumbled and got her leg caught into a small hole. Grunting, she pulled up and broke free, her paw wet from the water that had collected in the hole

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