News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 16, 2011, 02:23:14 am »
Ok, I've read all of the posts from page 1 to page 8 and I agree with what's been mostly said. It's not that we don't appreciate KovuLKD, in fact, if it wadn't for him, we wouldn't even have FH. But think about it like this. Feral Heart is like Kovu's dog, and if he doesn't take care of it, it will die. I thank all the mods for keeping FH up and running as much as you can. Nobody 'hates' Kovu, they just don't want Feral Heart to die. And for those of you that think this post is about updates, yall wrong. This post is about all the bugs and glitches that have been in the game for quite a while now. I'm very patient and can wait on updates because I know that it might take a while. And yes, I know Kov has a life. He's not the only one, just as Jolt said, we ALL do. Everyone from the newest member to Red, Raksha and all of the other mods. The way you want to live your life is your choice, but if you have made a commitment, I believe you should stick to that commitment till the end.