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Messages - NeonANDKyro

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OMAIGOD! A HtTyD RP~! I would so join! (That is, if you're still accepting~! :3))

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:32:01 pm »
Hey, uh, Taylor? Is the map taking a REALLY long time to make? o_o or did u just loose motivation for the time being?

Hi :3 could I make a map reqwest?

Can you plz make a decent sized private elemental map with the elements of: Fire/Lava (So like, a firey, rocky place), Water/Ice (Snowy and stuff), Earth/Plant-life (Well, plant-life. Explains all), Death/Shadow (... umm, gray, lifeless looking area with dead bodies?), Air/Star Spirits (LOTS OF SPARKLY/GLOWY STUFF)

Can you make the sky, like, galaxy-looking? (Planets showing with the milky-way and chiz like that?)

If you could do this I would really happy! Plz take your time! But if you can't then it's okay :)

Game Help / Wtf?
« on: June 08, 2012, 03:39:25 am »
I don't understand.
When I logged onto FH, it automatically says that I've been banned for 11 days, 20 hours, and 46 minutes.
What the heck did I do that made me get banned? Can someone PLEASE help me?

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:54:24 pm »
Dina, if you wish to join the rp, you must fill out the application on page 1 and post it in another post here.

Hiya, can you do this preset whenever you get the time? You don't have to if you don't want to. I hope it isn't to complicated though..... :)

Username: NeonANDKyro
Preset Name: Sephira
Preset # ((optional, put preferred)): 3
Feline/Canine?: Feline
Image/description ((Must be a detailed description)):  
Mane?: Side Mane + Back Mane
Wings?: Yes, what they look like is in the pic above.
Realistic or Plain?: Whatever is cool with you.
Animated? Transparent?: Transparent on the wings, but the yellow part is kinda see-through but still shows up as yellow.
Extra Details not covered in reference: Items not included plz.

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:53:02 am »
Balto, if you want to join the rp, please make the application on page 1.

The cat waved her paw with a slight chuckle that sounded like a chirping-mixed-with-purring sound. "Hehe, the watch? I thought you might've wanted to go for that. So what have you got in mind for us to get it from the..." She paused and giggled and she leaned over and whispered. "The overreacting blonde shortie? And what 'bout that dog?" She glared at the border collie, but her eyes shined with a taunting glow that only said: Come and get me ya stupid mutt, you'll just get a mouth full of claws and your own blood. Yep, she had a pretty violent mind when it came to unfriendly canines. "So when the time comes, if you want, you can just send me over there and I can snatch it and throw it at you before Mr. Rageful can get to me. But let's here what you have in mind first." Yuna contently swatted the glowing peridot charm on her necklace that still hung around her neck. Heh, good thing Mr. 'Oh! I'm gunna kill you!' won't be fast enough to get to me.... I hope...

Her whispering voice didn't get any louder, it was still almost silent. "After they get back from idiotic church dude? Got it."

Out of the corner of her eye, Yuna watched the blonde teen calm down as the broadcast of "Father" Cornello came up. "Oh god, that Cornello douche again? How typical. Anyway, so your aiming for some stealing from who now?" -She murmured almost silently to Hana. Her eyes were glittering with unknown emotions, but whatever feelings that shown in her eyes, they weren't friendly to strangers. A calico ear twiched under her hood, causing the lump that was located on her ear to move slightly. "If your aiming for those idiots back there, lemme try my usual strategy on them and if that doesn't work, you can try your tactic." She grinned. I bet this will be funner than we expected it to be. Stay here for a sec, I'll be back after I go get something that might help us." She stood up, smirking as she walked towards a practicly pitch black alleyway nearbye.

In the shadows, her body became deformed again, and she was a cat again after a moment or two. Her colors were still a odd, but that's just what make things funner. She came back to where Hana was still sitting with Mel, and gracefully leaped onto the table. "So," Her newly adorable kitty voice began. "Tell me, do you believe in people turning into cats my white-haired partner? I hope you don't mind helping me with my tactic for a bit." She then gave a catish grin.

Lol, that is so weird. My name is Hannah and I have a best bud named Rebekka xD))

The chimera sighed in relief as Hana told her that the canine was perfectly harmless towards her, but tensed as it licked her arm. But she relaxed due to curiousity when the white-haired girl suggested to go see what was happening over by the stand. Yuna ear twiched when Hana grabbed her wrist.

As Yuna was pulled through the the crowd by Hana, she couldn't help but think about if she made the right choice. She sat with her new partner and watched the raging blonde teenage boy thrash about and throw things around. In ways, so many ways, he seemed, strangely enough, so familiar. She silently let out a sigh and tugged her hood to make sure it was intact.

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