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Messages - Keru

Pages: [1]
Discussion Board / Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« on: June 29, 2016, 08:56:37 pm »
What is a furry to you?
A furry is someone who likes anthropomorphic animals. I don't just mean bipedal wolves. Animals with human emotions, speaking abilities etc. Even just enjoying the great art that comes out of the furry community can make someone a furry, as there is a clear aesthetic to a lot of it, that not everyone can enjoy(Appreciating the actual talent of the artist of course is different). They like pretending to be animals or they just really like animals. Maybe they go so far as to wear fursuits.
Do you consider yourself as a furry?
Yes. I've always loved anthropomorphic animals, from Warrior Cats to the Redwall books, Disney's Robin Hood, TLK, all that sort of stuff. I even had wolves for imaginary friends when I was little.
Do you have friends who play FeralHeart that don't consider themselves as a furry?
Yeah, for sure. A lot of people misunderstand the term anthropomorphic, thinking it means bipedal animals with thumbs. So they may think "I'm not furry, 'anthros' aren't my thing". However, anthropomorphic literally means to have human characteristics. Humanizing animals in any way for the purpose of entertainment can be considered furry. Not that it is bad!
Do you believe playing FeralHeart makes you a furry?
100% yes. You are running around pretending to be an animal with human emotions and talking ability. That's definitely furry.
Why do YOU enjoy FeralHeart?
As stated above, because I can run around pretending to be an animal with human emotions and talking ability, among other people who do the same.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Comedian?
« on: May 12, 2016, 11:21:16 am »
Louis C.K and Billy Connolly for sure!
I grew up watching Billy Connolly's stand-up, he is my parents' favourite so I learned to love his comedy from a young age.
And I discovered Louis C.K through Parks and Recreation haha.

Discussion Board / Re: favorite quotes
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:33:47 am »
I only have a couple quotes that have really resonated with me.

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move"
-Douglas Adams

"If I can't be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst"

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Youtubers
« on: May 07, 2016, 11:05:44 am »
Ah, awesome topic!
I have so many subscriptions it's hard to pick favourites.

Favorite Youtuber(s): GradeAUnderA, theodd1sout, Crowne Prince, Sharla In Japan, Rachel & Jun, Abroadin Japan, Texan in Tokyo,
When did you subscribe to them? Couldn't remember haha, some more recent than others for sure.
What makes them your favorites? To begin, GradeA makes hilarious and accurate social commentary coupled with unique 'animation' and I think everyone should check him out, be warned he swears a lot. Next is theodd1sout and Crowne Prince. odd1sout is just cute fun animations about his life and embarrassing stories, a real laugh. Crowne Prince does a lot of stuff on her channel but my favourite is her Scribble Kibble series where she finds indie animations and breaks them down and discusses them. The last four are all related to Japan haha. They all have their own unique style and humour however they all do amazing and interesting videos about life in Japan, Japanese culture and more! They're awesome.
Who do you recommend the channel(s) to?: I recommend GradeA to everyone for sure! Just not little kids he's quite vulgar. Odd1sout to anyone looking for a laugh. Crowne Prince to those interested in animation, her videos are really educational. And the last four to anyone interested in Japan, Japanese food, culture, language, tourist spots etc.

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: April 29, 2016, 12:25:33 pm »
I'm 17, 18 in a few months. However, I joined FeralHeart when I was 12 :P

Game Discussion / Re: What is Feralheart to you?
« on: April 29, 2016, 12:22:26 pm »
FeralHeart to me is somewhere I can be someone else.
I haven't been active in awhile but it used to be my main priority in life. Keeping up with roleplays, staying in contact with friends, improving my writing and much more. It was an escape from the real world for me. In school I was the quiet nerd who was too scared to reach out to people, online I was the bubbly, confident kid amongst people who shared my passion for animals and nerdy culture. It was a second home, almost a sanctuary where I could break out of my bubble of anxiety and say what I thought, express how I felt, behind a shield of anonymity.
I made friends I'll never forget, discovered communities that have taught me so much and held onto my creative imagination.

I dearly miss it now and hope to find time in my now busy life to return to the world I spent so much of my life in.

Game Help / Why can't meshes show up in my map....
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:00:16 pm »
I made a map with a friend, but when we check it out in cape, some meshes don't show up. Like ferns, den, waterfall, certain crystals, the normal rocks, and mushrooms.
How do we get them in game? Please help it's really confusing and this is my first proper map I'm doing.

APV has 2 islands

User name: Keru
Character name: Albus APV (Albus meaning White in Latin)
Species: White Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 7 (around 40 human years)
Description: Albus is a large white lion, he is very bulky, strong and dangerous when he doesn't like you, fortunately Albus likes almost everyone :D
Personallity: Albus is a gentle and kind hearted male who is happy for a chat, he will fight, but only if necessary. He is generally on the move for he enjoys the fresh air, and the peace. He is on his way to being an elder lion, he has experience under his belt and is willing to share, so if you are looking for guidance or help, just find Albus.
History: Albus grew up as a loner with his mother, he never knew his father (poor guy). He lived through great hardships including his mother's death. He grew up from 2 alone, he had next to no friends, he would find the occasional cub that might be friendly.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for a pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): He is a strong fighter
RP sample: He struggled to make it up the steep sand bank, his claws unable to find a grip on the loose sand for it just slid out from underneath him. He grunted and moved on 'till he found a grassy area of the bank, he made a leap and dug in his sharp claws, digging in on the clumps of dirt. He reached the top and flopped onto the ground happily, he had made it up. (no idea why he wanted to lol)

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:11:25 am »
Can you make my char Blood for me?  :D the red paw marking is on his right side. His eyes are flame please. And he has a back mane, elbow and rump tuft and eye cover mane. Which is all grey with red tips. Your work is amazing by the way, i love it!
here is a link to the pic:

PS: Can you give him red tips on his fangs? You don't have to though.   :)

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