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Messages - kylah1000

Pages: [1]
Can you do me this?

Type of Preset: Feline
Fur texture: No
Manes: Yes (Side mane)
Type of Eyes: Normal but Pink

I'd be so happy if you could make that preset. Bye ^^

why would you use someone elses character for a preset?

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart wont open for me. Can anyone help?
« on: June 22, 2012, 09:58:19 pm »
maybe you could try reinstalling feralheart

Game Help / Re: texture problem
« on: April 26, 2012, 02:58:01 am »
Aw, it hasnt happened to me so  i'm not very sure on how to fix it so you should probably ask a moderator for help :3
were can i find a moderator to ask?

Game Help / Re: texture problem
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:38:59 pm »
You should try to take out all textures from the textures file folder then put them back in. If that doesn't work try taking out the african grass texture to see if that helps.
Hope it works!
i took them out and put them back but that made no diffrence then i took the african grass out and the ground was all white :( it did not work

Game Help / texture problem
« on: April 22, 2012, 12:23:52 am »
ok so i was trying to use the ficho tunnel terrain for a map i was making but when i typed it in the terrain place my game crashed. i went back on but it showed the introduction page but when it was about to show the log in page it crashed and this kept on happening so i uninstalled feral heart and reinstalled it. when i went on it the ground texture was all african grass! so i uninstalled and reinstalled it again but it still had the african grass! and when i tryed to create a map it was all african grass! i still have all the textures but it shows up as african grass >.< please help me!

Game Discussion / Re: Dreams about FH
« on: April 15, 2012, 10:17:33 pm »
Really, if anyone has dreams about FeralHeart then it sounds like you spend way too much time on it?owo
Anyways, I rarely dream. Unless it's that one where it feels like you're falling, and then you wake up with a start as soon as you hit the ground. ff.
um i know this is off topic of this conversation but is that picture on your signiture edited or is that a mod

how do i get to the map?

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