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Messages - pokeamanic

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Game Discussion / Re: Why does it always have to be "Kill"?
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:01:11 pm »
I'll admit, I've one this a lot myself. However, it does tend to fall in with my characters personalities most of the time. Most of my characters find 'death' to be the lazy man's way of threatening something annoying them. (Most of my characters find death to be nothing new anyway, an aren't afraid to die). If my characters actually get serious, they give threats that make death look like a good thing.

Like many others have said, younger players probably think death is the worse thing that can happen to someone, And therefore use it as a threat. I agree however, it is very overused.

Species / Re: Djavul dragon species.
« on: May 09, 2013, 12:49:31 am »
Thanks! I'm Still actually working on a few details of the species, But thought I would put up what I had so far. I don't actually know how to post screenshots, so gunna check out the help post to see if I can find there. Thank you for the positive feedback though!

Species / Djavul dragon species.
« on: May 08, 2013, 02:28:34 am »
The Djavul dragon, Otherwise Known as the Voodoo Dragon, Is a Species of Dragon who have learned to utilize Curses for defense, instead of Scales, or claws.

I. Appearance
Tail: Thin
Mane: Maneless
Ears: Back ears
Tuft: Tuftless.

Eyes: Contracted Slit
Body: Hellion
Head: Bubbles
Tail Butterfly

Pelt,Underfur,Below and Above eyes: 0,0,0.
Eyes: Any shade of yellow.
Nose, tail tip, Markings, and wings: 15,15,15.

RP Appearance: They are Usually Four meters Long, Including there tails. There body is covered in 2ft By 2ft Black Shells. There Legs have Three claws on the front, and two in the back. The claws Are Hooked. They usually have Two feet long wings.

Habitat: They Prefer to live in Dark areas, Such as caves, Jungles, And Mountainous areas, On occasion. They Are also Nocturnal, And Hibernate during the winter.

Diet: They Mostly Scavenge off other predators, But if they must, they will resort to trying to catch Rabbits, Mice, And Occasionly Deer.

Physiology: There teeth Are fairly fragile, And chip easily. There Bite pressure is strong enough to Bend Iron. There shells Are not very strong, Being Slightly more durable then Normal stone. These shells, however, Can be Detatched from the dragon, so it can grow new Ones. it takes About 1-2 Weeks for a new shell to Completely Regrow. There stomach has Certain antibodies within it that allow it to break down Diseases Such As salmonella or Malaria, And turn them into energy. They have more taste Buds than the average human, Allowing them to get Extra flavor from Rotted, or normally flavorless, Foods. They have A High resistance to curses.

Abilities: It can spit out Orbs or red and black gas That go into there Opponents pours, And Causes insanity for About a minute. By taking a piece of flesh, Blood, or hair, they Can begin to form a Curse. They only Have knowledge of one curse that they use, however. By holding the piece of flesh/hair/blood in there plam, and chanting "Ru ka to no." Over it, the Hair/blood/flesh Becomes darker. They can then turn this into a small, palm sized flame, Or Can eat it, and shoot out a Black and White orb of gas. This curse Makes it so there Opponenet slowly becomes Insane over the period Of Two weeks. A Cure Can be made from there shells, A Few drops of there blood, and Some Dandelions. It automaticlly goes away after two Weeks, however.

Breeding: These dragons Become mates for Life. they Lay eggs During the spring. They usually have 1-2, But can rarely have 3-4 At a time. Hatchlings are Cared after till they are at the age Of 3, When they are then On there own.

Nests: They will usually set up there nests in small caverns. They gather the bones of Creatures to Put in the shape Of A Diamond. They will Place a variety of things in the middle of the Diamond, ranging from stones, sticks, sand, dirt, And even rotting flesh.

Eggs&Hatchlings: The Eggs are 2.5 to 4 Pounds. They are black, With Metallic black spirals coming from the Bottom upward. They hatch In the ending weeks of winter, Usually the Last One or two weeks. The Hatchlings come out Very small, Only A Few inches bigger and longer than A Common salamander. They have Small, Dark grey, Snow-colored Shells during this time. Every two months, till they are one year of age, they Will Shed these shells. Every time they shed them, The shells become Darker. At the age of One year, The Hatchling Sheds all of it's shells, and Has a large grownth spurt, Growing to the size Of a Komodo dragon(Which are 3 Meters long.). When they regrow there shells, they are the Metallic black color, And will no longer shed them. At the age of One year and 4 Months, they will grow wings. At One year and 5 Months, there claws will become Hooked. At the age Of Three years, they are Sent to live on there own.

Origin: Hundreds of Years ago, A Species of dragon lived in a mountain beside A Tribe Of Humans. These humans Stole the dragons eggs, and Had Shamans Use different forms of magic on them. The Few who Could hatch were taken in by these shamans. These dragons grew up, And Slowly learned How to form Curses from Watching shamans. When Dragon hunters came to put down these Dragons, The dragons Used what they had learned, And escaped. Since then, The Djavul dragon was born.

Trivia: Legends state that stealing A Djavul dragons egg will put a curse on you, that Makes it so you will never experience love again. This however, is not true.
While normally being viewed as 'Evil' and 'Demonic', this Dragon does not actually attack without being provoked First.

Sorry about not being able to post screenshots for the slider. Feel free to use the dragon, But please include Some form of credit to me. If You have any questions on the species, Just post. Thanks.

Species / New Species: Cosmic Space Turtle
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:23:11 pm »
This is A new species I have thought of, the Cosmic space turtle.

The Species all Stand Upright. The bottom legs are circular, While there Upper Look like the average sea turtles Flippers. Height Differs Depending on gender, With males being 6'3 When fully grown, Females growing to 6'8. Male Children are 3'1, While Female Children are 3'4. There Heads, flippers, and Legs are all green, While there shells Are a blue-green Color. The shells are a very Sleek and Slanted.

The Cosmic space turtle, as you would expect, Lives in space. They Will Usually travel through space, every 3-4 Days landing on a meteorite, Moon, Or, if Desperate, Planet to sleep for One hole day. They are very Nomadic, Not living in the Same place for any given amount of time.

The Cosmic space turtle does Not eat meat or Vegetation. It instead absorbs Ultraviolet Rays (Sunlight/Starlight) Through it's Shell as a source of food. they will fly up to 100's of miles away from any star, And enter there shell spinning rapidly, Abosbring the energy. they usually Eat once a day for a few Minutes, But can go up to One month without food.

The Space turtle's Will usually travel through space, With no real intended goal. They will occasionly  Fly into the Ozone layer of Planets, Usually to observe what is Happening below. Cosmic space turtles are Peaceful, Not attacking or harming just about anything, And if they are attacked, will attempt to flee before Fighting back. They have a cosmic awareness, Sensing any Threat to the Universe. When they sense a threat of this Level, they will Search out for the threat, Attempting to destroy it. When near Death, they will Enter there shells, Going into A 'Lockdown Mode' If you will, Covering every opening of there shell.

Space turtles have A... Strange anatomy, to say the least. For starters, they do not have lungs, Making them not require air. Instead of a Stomach, they have a different organ, labeled as a 'Solar Transformer', In it's place. it is More edged torward the back, where it's shell is. It is connected to the Blood stream directly, As well as a different organ. the next organ they have Is Labeled as a 'Molecular Disposal'. The Molecular Disposal is a Matter Absorbing black hole of sorts, Absorbing anything that the Space turtle Has Devoured. The Species Blood is a cross between normal Blood and Ultraviolet Rays, Making it glow a Bright Yellow, and toxic To digest. There normal skin is As strong as Diamond, While the tops of there Shells are 10x As strong as Titanium. the bottoms of there shells, On the other hand, Are only as strong as titanium. When they die, The Molecular Disposal Will turn into a matter Destroying black hole, Which grows when it absorbs Matter. The insides of there Shell are able to Resist the Black holes Abilities. The Species will usually live for 500-1000 Years.

Cosmic space turtles Are usually solitary, But will Sometimes form 'Pods' That roam together. The Males are Usually submissive to the females, But Not always. The Children Are usually Playful, There needs being placed above Any full grown Cosmic Space turtle. Pods can Range from 6-10 Of these creatures.

The Males will attempt to attract the females eye through 3 Means: The first one Being through Combat between males, The Second being Racing between males. And the third Means being Age. The older a Space turtle is, The more inclined to having a Female mate it Might have. The Babies Will usually come in groups of 1-2, Rarely having up to 4 Children. The Children travel with there Mother or father till they Are Able to fend for themselves, Which is usually after one Year.

This species Has quite a few Defensive mechanisms At there Disposal. For starters, they Are able to launch a Beam of Compacted Solar energy from there Mouth, As long as they have the energy to do so. When within there Shell, They Are able to make it spin From inside, though cannot Move In this form. When There shell is Spinning, Males can create F1-F3 Tornado's, While females can create F1-F4 Tornado's. There jaw Strength is Powerful enough to Destroy steel easily, While requiring a few Minutes to break through Diamond. There Flippers strength Can go through Wood and stone Easily, But requires A Few strikes to Destroy steel, Only bending it within one strike.

That is the species! You don't need permission, But I would appreciate if you add Credit into your Bio, or the Link to the Thread. If You want to make A Pod of these Creatures, Please tell me, No Apply form needed. I'll soon add Screenshots of the character Creator, Showing appearance in game. This is my First thread, So please give Constructive Criticism. Thank's for reading!

Species / Re: Saylee's Creatures #1~NightProwlers
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:53:44 pm »
Thanks, I've been using mine to just run around bonfire and listen in on RP's at the moment xD Ty for the help!

Species / Re: Saylee's Creatures #1~NightProwlers
« on: June 03, 2012, 12:47:09 am »
I Just made a night prowler, there pretty cool. Though, I Have a few questions.

1. What Are there normal Behaviors?

2. What do they hunt?

Just was wondering those two things, Thanks.

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