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Messages - fogwip

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Other Games / So lemme tell you about Isles of Eventide
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:17:36 pm »
Hello feralheart community! So, there's a game fairly similar to this that is attempting to get kickstarted, but doesn't have NEARLY the attention this gets. So, i figured i'd advertise slightly about it, since it's something i'm super excited about!

-So what is Isles of Eventide?

Isles of Eventide is set to be an animal MMORPG, similar to Feralheart, but with a survival aspect. Your character has health, thirst, and hunger, and must keep those up or risk dying. The world is set to be an archipelago of different environments, climates, and biomes, from windswept savannahs to boreal forests, depending on the island. The ocean itself is a biome, too, set to be complete with flora, fauna, and dangerous sea-creatures! The playable races include canines and felines, similar to Feralheart, but with potentially more customization, and with the added races of equines- a full range of horses, ponies, donkies, and whatever mix of those you can create, and all the races come with a huge selection of markings, tufts, furs, manes, colors, and more! Plus, should the kickstarter reach one of the stretch goals, birds will be added as a race!

So what am I supposed to do in this massive and diverse world?

Hunt, craft, survive, and build your way to the top of the food chain! There's magic to learn and work with, a story of the land to uncover, materials to craft gear with, and oh yeah, you even get your own home island to build into whatever paradise you want!

This sounds like a kinda cool thing, where can I find out more?

The kickstarter is here and you should be able to find the links to the deviantart, facebook, tumblr, the forum, and whatever else you prefer to keep track of the game with on there.

Thank you for reading, I hope this sparks some interest for the game, and happy feralheart'ing!

it's really cool =D fun map. but the orange water bubbles don't seem to want to show up, they're just black and yellow... but the other colored water bubbles show up fine, and orange is in the same place as them o.o help? but besides that, i like it =D

this kinda reminds me of mabinogi... you could have pets, and they grew over time- when they were little, they looked they were kinda spazzing out to run at full speed (it was kinda funny...) but as they grew, their legs moved slower. something like that?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: February 27, 2011, 05:00:03 pm »
i'd kinda really like wings... when i found it, i was SOO happy to finally find a free game you could fly in, and i was really sad when, as it turns out, now you can't fly. Sure, the wings were kinda paper-ey, but at least you could take to the skies. and sure, it would be unrealistic and annoying in hard to get to the top maps, but i always had wings in IT, and it was even harder and more challenging to try to get to the top of ascension isle without using your wings, especially since you then couldn't double jump. but yeah... I looked at another thread talking about adding animals like eagles and dragons, I think that's a good idea- it keeps the (semi)realisticness but still gives people flight. even if an eagle or dragon mesh thing would be hard to create... i think... not sure, i fail epicly at that kind of stuff XD but yeah... that's just my say- yes to wings, but other animals who naturally fly is an option...

eagle! i'd have a nest somewhere, and ride on people's backs... and there could be, like, eagle flocks that can be like spies in rp's, and there are bound to be the some sizing and color and marking stuff, so there'd also be vultures, falcons, maybe owls though that's stretching it a bit, songbirds, doves... stuff like that, it'd be cool =D

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Animals?...
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:50:23 am »
I like the idea of animals... and if you could carry your prey around once you killed it, and eat it, that'd be fun and great for rp purposes, like for feeding kits/cubs/pups or taking food to a wounded person. i like the confetti idea, too, but not sure how that'd fit into eating stuff... maybe it'd splode once you ate it? the herd idea's really cool, too, if the animals moved as a herd and you had to cut the weakest one out of the herd, like in wolfquest, and there were big animals that took longer and more people to kill, like that superhuge manta in IT (i miss stingy... or whatever his/her name was, s/he had a billion names depending on who you asked) but yeah... as for levels, ehh... not having levels or a goal is kinda what sets IT apart, it's less purposful, and you don't have to worry about "oh, i'm a noob compared to this person *scared of talking to them*" but yeah... i really liked how IT had the pets, and the health bar, and different moves you could get from different animals. that was fun =D it would be really nice to see that again

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