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Messages - xAreum

Pages: [1]
News Archives / Re: Slowing things down a little
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:08:49 am »
I knew you guys wanted to slow things down but this is ridiculous. >C -ba dun tish- ... Ah? Aahhh?! =D?! -crickets-

Request Maps / Re: A Map of Dragonic Proportions!
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:43:08 pm »
Oh my! Thank you for replying to my request! If you like, I can explain the plot and the dragon species over whisper. We can then plan the best couse of action it would be to take with them. I'm planning for the different species of dragons to have their own home 'territory' in a way. So I would like some of the maps to fit them in a way.

But anyway, something like an Atlantis map sounds amazing for the water dragons! And I'm rather curious to see how your Shangri-la map looks like. c:

Request Maps / A Map of Dragonic Proportions!
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:11:23 pm »
Yeah, that title wasn't punny nor did it make sense...

Anyway, a friend and I are working on a large project! This dragon roleplay of ours seems like alot of fun but the problem is that we need a map maker to work with us to get this roleplay going!

Now, this is a forum for map requests, not map recruiters, but it would be nice if someone would be interested and willing to help us! Since there are different species of dragons and their kingdoms require different sorts of terrains and objects, it might be an extremely large map or a a medium sized map with connected to other medium sized maps through portals! This could be a fairly difficult project and I am willing to help as much as I can.

If anyone is interested, I am more than willing to give them the details. <3

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