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Messages - CelyonHana

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Help KovuLKD: Wings or not?
« on: December 21, 2011, 07:35:56 pm »
I agree with Raz.

I'm not a person whichs good with programing and the coordination of games and stuff. But I think the server maybe will be overloaded. If it's laggy now. How it will be if everyone would fly? o,o
I'm not sure 'bout it..
Wings for decoration is okie, I think. Would be cool for RP's with angels &' demon. I like.
I'm not sure - but shouldn't FH be more realistic as IT was?
I think it would work with both.
I'ma one which more plays demon/angel rps. And for my kind, it would be nice to have wings. :3

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