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Messages - Onai

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Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: May 30, 2011, 10:21:27 am »
"They are rules that everyone should know by now and if you don't you'll learn the hard way." <--- Sorry, I believe I LOLed in real right there.

For starters, as everyone has thus far mentioned and still received no word about; Where exactly is the rule that says General chat is only and strictly for advertising? Do point me in the right direction, because I assure you I cannot seem to find it.

Wait, I know. It's because there is no rule on the specific use of General chat. Not a one, and not posted anywhere on the forum for anyone else to see. Yet, people are banned for 'Spamming' the chat with conversations/talk/greetings/ect? It goes back to my last point, how do you expect a rule to be obeyed when it isn't posted nor widely known? No warning, nothing in the rules updated. This would automatically make us question the legit reason for just one person banning people for said 'spam', would it not?

"I've actually seemed to have known the rules for you could say a rather long time now, and I don't see any of the rules stating that we should "use" General this way, or that way. It doesn't really make sense. There's nothing posted about how it should even be, and it's mainly like a free for all. Nobody, just saying that not even one simple mod, should try and change that. This whole fight is just pathetically stupid." ~Quote from Doggersdog

Stupid indeed. We're arguing over the right that someone had to ban multiple players for using a chat in a way they deemed to be breaking the rules. When in fact no such rule can be found anywhere on the forum or the ToS. Do you honestly believe it's fair to fling a random restriction into the mix of something that has always been, at least as long as I remember playing the game? And then suddenly ban for breaking that restriction, even though no previous issues had arose? 

This isn't about people being banned for breaking a rule. This is about the fact that there is no rule in regards to the certain use of General. Yet it is perfectly fine to eliminate players like they're nothing when they defile those invisible laws?

We aren't brainless, and we aren't stupid. It's not hard to see where one person's preferences corrupts everyone close to them, and push the ones fighting back against the wrong done toward them farther away. We no longer have a voice, the argument has become one sided. It's us, the players, against them, the one person responsible and the people that support them blindly due to friendship.

Is it really too much to ask that a proper rule be put in place, before someone goes off and bans people for every tedious thing possible? Would it really be that hard to let the rule sink in before you start flinging people left and right for breaking rules they weren't aware were intact? As others have mentioned, would it not be an advancement to create guidelines for punishments when breaking rules? And post those guidelines for us the players to see as well? As most Admins and mods have thus said, punishments vary between each individual. Someone cursing might get banned for an hour, another an entire week. Where is the equality in that? You can't tell me that the staff cannot compromise on punishments which are fair and just for whatever is done. It's not hard, and it doesn't require a major amount of effort. So where's your excuse, other than some still preferring to show the usual favoritism with their buddy buds and people that worship the ground they walk on?

Sorry, never been one of those people. Respect rolls two ways, and if you can't show equal respect for all, then why would you deserve mine? Until something is done to right the wrong, I won't be back in game. Not even when my ban time is up, I refuse to be part of such a community as to call itself great, when it's splitting apart at the seams.


Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: May 29, 2011, 12:09:15 am »
General had been fine, until one mod decided they wanted to toss around some power and "End the spam" which was so cluttering everyone else. I've never once seen anyone in-game complain about people talking to others across the map, telling people how their day went, discussing and debating across the map with others. I HAVE seen players complain about "I NEED A MATE" and the repeated every four seconds "JOIN MY PACK!" advertisements. But nothing is said to these members. Oh no. The ones who get busted are the ones that are intelligent enough to figure out where favoritism is played.

Will anything ever be done about it? Probably not. There's only one mod doing it, the one most others have a fore mentioned already. They will get off scott free, like they always did, even in IT.  Why? Because the rest of the admins it seems are their friends, or at least they're trying to save one of their owns rears. I thought it might have been just me, just catching them on a bad day. Oh but with a little research, not the case. An older FH forum post has complaints about this same mod. DA journals complain about it. Other players I've encountered claim 75 to be the worst mod seen anywhere. I've always given people the benefit of the doubt, and overlooked it for a while. No longer however. There's too much working against them now. I've seen firsthand what they do, always showing off for their little friends. Other mods? No where to be seen, or the ones that are there sit in the background and just watch? And because they've been around for so long, every other admin just absolutely trusts their word and whatnot. Are you not seeing everything when he bans people for "Spamming" General? Do you not see how one person, someone who is a friend to this mod gets banned for a mere few hours or so, or just kicked? And the others? Banned. Days. Weeks. In my case, months. For disagreeing?

Sorry not to have much respect for people who can't show equal treatment to all players. You are an Admin, you're supposed to be there for us, make the community better. Not make us flippin' miserable 24/7 because our opinions aren't the same as yours. Thanks for that, aye? Is that hard to be talked down to, like a small child? When in fact you're acting like one at times. I don't get what happened, you used to handle things so nicely in FH, dealing with annoyances, not threatening/kicking/banning people over every word they say in a chat.

 [General Chat. <--- General; involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole/concerned or dealing with universal rather than particular aspects/not confined by specialization or careful limitation/]

If you only wanted it for advertising, begging for mates/parents/ and whatever else anyone feels like screaming in all caps over the map, why not call it "Advertising Chat". Or make one for that purpose? Better yet, leave it alone maybe? Let General chat run as it always has? There has not been any major issues in the recent months with it. It wasn't until people started getting banned for talking in it. Some people are shy, they can't comfortably want to walk up to random strangers in local and talk. Whisper? How in the world would they know the username if they're all the way across the map, and not added? I know I don't add random requests most of the time, who's to say others don't either. Group chat? That could work, you know, if you were in that group.

General offers a link between the community, people meet, make friends, find out where everyone else is hanging in that chat. And you're now going to kill it off? Because you think it's too cluttered? So what of in a few months? WQ was a great game, still is. So long as you don't want to type out a decent sentence. FH going to be like that? Drive everyone away because one person got a little happy with the ability to throw people off a game. Ban people cursing? By all means, do so. Ban people creating lude conversations? Of course. But for stating your mind, offering up your own opinion? If they don't like it, you're eaten. Where are Kovu and Raz on this? I assumed they of all people would care if people were having issues with the mods. But since its their friend, or part of their "Team", there will likely be no retribution.


Game Discussion / Re: General Chat Attacks
« on: May 29, 2011, 12:05:21 am »
However if you took screenshots beforehand, would not those count? No, they probably wouldn't. Because others have claimed they did the same thing, and been ignored anyhow. How do you expect us to trust the people who would be the ones to cause us so much irritance?

I've watched this thread for the past day or so now, and the question which everyone has thus far asked? Still not clearly answered. So, you're basically saying you don't have a rule for General, and there is no rule posted on the use of General. Yet it's perfectly fine for them to ban people for breaking these non-existent rules in game? How in the world do you expect people to follow a rule they cannot see?


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