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Messages - trowalyn

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AH, ty so much!! We will try it asap!

Sorry for double posting, just wanted to know if anymore can answer these questions above.. :O

AAAH, we are coming closer now!
Thank you for the clarification, Vilivikhorith :)
Also thanks to the others who are helping us alot!

There are still 2 questions. Dx
First one: which code do we have to remove or change (the shader thingy)?
Because we already tried something like this and failed. She removed everything except for the "underwatershader", then she changed the material name in the source from "pseudo/underwater" to "waterreflect". When she has done that, the sky turns into water which follows you when you fly higher.

Second one: how do we update the ogre version? :O

Thank you so much WolfQueen! We will try it! :)
Also, can someone help us with this? We lost track when it came to the resource load path, she doesn't know what, where, who, huuuh? xD We need more detail!

All you need to do is take the `water.material`, ``(from FeralHeart/media/materials), and place them somewhere in your resource load path. Then just do `water->setMaterialName("WaterReflectMat");` or something like that, when the water is given a material in the code. Or just take the 'WaterReflectMat' section of the material (the .cg file is still important, it has the GPU shader program...). Or something!!!

I really hope someone can help.. it must be kinda possible to make this work Dx

Site/Forum Help / Re: Thierry's WoW Winter Trees?
« on: August 22, 2017, 09:09:41 pm »
AAAAHHH thanks so much! :)

Site/Forum Help / Thierry's WoW Winter Trees?
« on: August 22, 2017, 07:59:04 pm »
I hope it's the right area to post this x.x If not I'm super sorry!
Hey I'm looking for Thierry's WoW Winter Trees and all the download links aren't working, still I can see so many maps with those trees.
Is there a way to get them or are they taken down?
Thank you :)

AAAHH, I'm so sorry for the late reply ;_; I was on vacation! Thank you so much for the help, we will try this and look how it'll work! :)

Danke auch dir Tigg :)

So we tried it and this is what came out:

its working yeah but not how its supposed to work

reflective water how wolf soul had

i was even underwater to see if theres something wrong
but no just when u lookfrom above on it and it eats meshes

do i have to put a code into the IT-source and where exactly to put it
what do they mean with resource loading path
i lost track there

Anyone can help? :)

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