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Messages - Kezra

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Presets & Markings / Re: Ghosting's Presets (Wolf link, and update!)
« on: April 02, 2011, 02:37:59 am »
I'd like to thank you again for how awesome my preset turned out! You're so brilliant. A fast and hard worker with lovely results. I strongly recommend commissioning you to anyone who reads this. :D

Presets & Markings / Re: Yazoo's presets
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:08:19 pm »
Thank you so much Yazoo. :3

Creepish stalking for the mother. effing. win.

Now that your real info is up...


And I just went through your Tumblr photos. -AGAIN-

Presets & Markings / Re: ~Taking Preset Requests~ :D
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:23:12 am »
Thanks so much, I'll be checking back! <3

Discussion Board / Re: Making new friends on forums
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:35:57 am »
I've been checking out the intro/bio section of the forum and looking for people to appeal to me. Usually it's something a little more than just their interests that catch my eye. Like a belief of theirs or something they've had to go through. I used to keep to myself online but have been much more adamant about making friends because I've made so many throughout the years. Lasting friends. Not just the "Cool, you're on!" Sort. But the sort that are there through the milestones of your life to see you grow. You can find some of the most amazing people online. I look at it like this. What are the odds that someone in your town is going to have loads in common with you, and is easy for you to get along with? You might find a couple. But online, you find yourself surrounded by people who have things in common with you. Here's it's fursonas and animals, on Deviantart it's well... art. Etc. And having one thing in common often means having several things in common!

I met the love of my life online. Not trying to. Not on internet dating sites or anything. I just commented on the most beautiful pencil work I'd ever seen in my life and the next thing you know, we talk constantly for ages in one form or another (writing, phone calls, webcam, video games), visit, and now I'm living with him. I constantly forget how we met until something like this is brought up. x) I think it helps to have a strong sense of who you are as a person to make friends online, because you rely solely on the things you say. I'm sure there are a lot of things that make you interesting. Maybe all you need to do is talk about them. :D

One problem I can see on these forums might be that people don't check these as often as other forums, as it seems to be something people are just using during FH's downtime. There's also not as many people on here as other places on the web, obviously, but that doesn't mean you can't make some fantastic friends. :D

I write a lot. Geeez. Hope to see you in game!

Discussion Board / Re: 2012
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:23:30 am »
My life just turned around and got permanently awesome. By 2012, boyfriend and I would just be getting settled in Seattle with our new jobs. He'd probably have landed that job at Valve. We'd have gotten the new puppy we've been wanting. And then BAM. That would literally be the worst. ever. timing. So it had better not. x)

The world could get smacked into tomorrow by a giant rock and that could be the end. Or maybe 27312897 years from now. My belief for just about every topic is "Ultimately, no one knows." So we're all just living day to day. :3

Discussion Board / Re: Are you addicted to something silly?
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:09:00 am »
I love these replies. I'm one of many who is unfortunately/fortunately (depending on how you look at it) addicted to energy drinks, coffee, and other things bad for you. Beverages really, I can't get enough of beverages. There have been days I've had to get out of bed after settling down to sleep because I realize I haven't eaten any solid foods at all, just been drinking. o-o Vitamin Water is... my life.

And on the polar opposite end of the spectrum from energy drinks is sleep. I crave naps. I'm on a pill that has the stupid side-effect of making me tired all the time, and I'm a woman who has to succumb to fatigue 5 days out of each month, so I blame those things. Plus, I live with my exceptionally cuddly boyfriend who happens to be the most comforting person ever, so I could sleep all day...

...if it wasn't for the fact that I'm addicted to energy.  .-.


Discussion Board / Re: I need advice.... again.
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:03:36 am »
I was going to suggest baking because cooking is awesome and everyone has to admit that it's hard to pass up a brownie/cupcake/lemon bar when they're waltzing along a school highway, sidewalk, anywhere. Knocking on doors probably won't result in much money. I know I HATE it when people knock on mine, even for a good charity, but you might have some luck depending on where you live. Some towns are really supportive of their schools or full to the brim with patriotism. If you did do that, it's always best to have someone with you no matter HOW old you are, so if your boyfriend has a problem with it (and I don't blame him) he could go with you? But I must agree, baked goods would probably be the best bet. Everyone who donates gets something out of it. x)

Discussion Board / Re: Your favorite online game?
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:56:02 am »
I've played all of them. ALL OF THEM.

I've spent the majority of my online years playing Furcadia periodically. It got me started on programming, designing, and lots and lots and lots of feral art. These games aren't typically my style though. Confession. I've been stalking the progression of The Secret World for years now. I can't wait until its release, and I BETTER get to beta test. :3 You can check it out here:

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