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Messages - Coolkitty

Pages: [1]
Species / The SkullDashers
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:13:07 pm »
The SkullDashers are a very unique kind of wolf that has a very ancient heritage. They arriginated from an acient dragon species that was called the SkullDasher. The alpha male of the SkullDasher pack does not have a perticular name, he is just called SkullDasher M.
PELT/FUR: dark grey, black is accepted
UNDERFUR: light grey, or any other form of black.

MANE/HAIR: any stile, normally has back fur.

COLOR OF MANE: any form of black/grey and a dark or blood red is accepted.

MARKINGS: should be skeleton, but can accept others too.

COLOR OF MARKINGS: anywhere from red/blood red to black and white

If you would like to join this pack or want more information, find me on FH as this char. or look for my user coolkitty.

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