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Messages - Hyapin

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Regarding Groups and Parties
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:31:47 am »
I'm probably an idiot for asking this, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. When you make a group, is there a way to strictly talk to ONLY those in your group? And I can't figure out how to make a party or what that even is. Is it just like a group where you only talk to those people and not have to deal with all the other chatter in the chat box? I'm just looking for a way to talk to JUST my friends and not have to deal with trying to find my friends' chats in the chat box. It gets very annoying when I'm trying to talk to a friend and the chat box is filling up so quickly I lose it without having time to read it.

Presets & Markings / Re: Saffeh's presets (Will do requests for free)
« on: March 27, 2013, 03:37:33 am »
I'd really like a preset please. c: I hope you'll be able to do this one. If not, let me know, I have another in mind.

Username: Hyapin
Canine or Feline?: canine
Realistic fur texture?: yes
Do you need this urgently?: no
Reference picture(Would prefer if there was one but it is not needed):

Description(NEEDED if there isn't a reference picture): Could you have his lips and eyes like a bloodred with piercing yellow pupils? Sorry if the colors are dark in the 2nd picture, they should be a bit more vibrant during the day.

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