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Messages - Nuka

Pages: [1]
Characters / Mstari
« on: August 08, 2011, 07:39:33 pm »

Here is my main character and my most use character in Feralheart, Mstari :3.

Bio: Mstari is a healthy, handsome, and strong liger. Before his birth, his father Kesir was the leader of the small pride yet very beautiful pride. One morning, Kesir walks to get a drink. There he meet a feline he never seen before. She was a tiger, named Alura. She was very beautiful, with purple eyes, and orange pelt(where Mstari gets his pelt from xD). She was sent to africa by humans to see if Lions and Tigers well fall in love. Kesir and Alura become great mates, and gave birth to two twin liger cubs, Mstari and Tina. However when Mstari and Tina are young cubs, Alura left Kesir. She told him to take care of there cubs and she soon start to walk away, looking for a pride like hers. After that Kesir soon takes care of Mstari and Tina for now on. As cubs, Mstari is a very shy yet very playful cub. He loves to play with his is and with other cubs. He also loves to hang with his father, they both always have great times together, playing fighting, and explore. Sense then when month's past, Kesir warned his pride that there might be a drought to hit the pride. Mstari was now a teen lion, he was very protective like his father was. He was still a little shy around other lions but at the same time he was smart and he was kind to others. Soon a terrible drought hit the pride as all the animals start to leave to find a place with more food. With no food left, Kesir's pride soon began to leave as well. Tina and Mstari followed there father, he was alone as he lost the pride. They went to find a better pride where they can stay. Days past and Kesir becomes weaker and weaker. Mstari and Tina where exhausted and hungry as well. Soon as Kesir gave his last smile to Mstari, he falls down to the ground and dies from starvation. Shocked to see his father dead, he mourn his body. Soon after the mourn, Mstari told Tina to find a pride and he well miss her. After the last goodbye to Tina and Mstari he soon ran away. Soon Mstari founds a small place with bunch of trees and it was misty. Soon finally the rain starts and after that the animals finally returned to feed on grass's. Mstari was now a lonely young adult liger. Tina was at Alura's new pride now. Mstari was happy to see the animal's return after his long while being alone. He soon began to go hunting for the first time. He does everything what his father told him in the past about hunting. He cached a young wildebeest trying to bring it down, killing it. After the wildebeest died, Mstari finally starts to enjoy his meal. Soon the liger becomes the strong fully adult liger, and now becomes the liger everyone knows.

Game Help / Re: Problem
« on: July 04, 2011, 10:41:26 pm »
Wow then whats going on O.O

Game Help / Problem
« on: July 04, 2011, 10:33:22 pm »
Okay somethings fishy going on here, i log in my game and wait when the pic louds but it tokes and while and then it says failed to connect server retry?. I tried the retry but it never worked, then i go on my other characters then it keeps doing the same thing. WHats going on can someone tell me ^^. Thanks.

Other Games / Re: Lions... in SPACE!
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:28:34 am »
Really Nice xD

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