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Messages - blackyball22

Pages: [1]
User Creations Collection / Re: //Reds Corner//
« on: April 19, 2014, 04:51:20 pm »
Perhaps it's something with a directory issue, but I clicked on the download for Windows, skipped the thingy, and ended up at "Red's Downloadz" but no downloadable file or anything to be able to download Feral City. Any help?

WOW! I would download this for sure! I usually dun have the time though. I think EVERYONE should download this map, and maybe even make it for a public map on FH itself! ^^

Finished Maps / Re: Fourth of July Party Map!
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:55:10 am »
One question... Are the fireworks "Animated" Into the sky, so their not just some pasted sky?

I still can't find the place on where to download FH+...Still tryin' though..Still tryin' -_-
See ya around in FH (blackyball22)

Art Gallery / Re: Silhouette's Artwork (NEW STUFF: 6/9/12)
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:13:29 pm »
Sweet pictures! WIsh I could draw that good on the computer...Probably need to get a better drawing system..BUT! I'm not a computer Drawing Nerd ^^ ANways..Nice work!!

I've got to say. It's gonna be hard doing all my work and no FeralHeart. Well, your right. We deserve it. But I kinda wish It could pick out only the people who really did do that. But, I've never heard mods talking before. What color chat do they have? But still, No FeralHeart. What am I going to do? I mean, everything else is horrible!:(

*sighs* And I didn't do anything...
I have a question... We have to have a guardians permission to be able to acess our FeralHeart game after the Disconnection of the game for a week?

Anyways,  blackyball22 ....Out :'(

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