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Messages - Diamondsky

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Game Discussion / Re: COPPA law
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:35:05 pm »
What? So it's a threat to be curious about something that could be potentially breaking the law?
I'm just intrigued every other server seems to follow and enforce this law except for FH.

Besides, every forum and site follows this regulation. It's a US law, so it's not limited to just Impressive Title games.
And before you hit me with the not every kid is from the US, then keep in mind that it's still enforced for US children.

Game Discussion / COPPA law
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:00:33 pm »
Yeah, Hi guys.
I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention; COPPA law? Yeah, this game technically shouldn't be available to people under 12.
Because it's essentially collecting information from children of that age, and clearly plenty of people on here do not meet the criteria of COPPA law.
I'm not saying this to be taunting, it's more out of concern.
If someone reports FH for not following COPPA law, game goes crashing down.

If i'm wrong, state that I am, and state proof. I'm not just going to take someone's word for it, i'd like definitive proof FH doesn't quality to be taken down by COPPA. All the IT games follow it accordingly and FH isnt any different.

Omigosh! I totally want in ^^

Username: Diamondsky
Character Name: Odessa (This may change, i'm kind of iffy with names at first so I drop whatever comes to mind in an RP sample)
Species (Custom require Admin approval): Vampire (Again. May change. Just gonna use for the sample.)
RP Sample: (OK. Setting's a street and stuff, also this is when she turns into one, so no confusion <3) Odessa quietly trekked down the long, slightly destroyed, light gray sidewalk. The feminine mortal being was on her way home, carrying her groceries that oddly consisted mostly of... Marshmallows. Theres two things Odessa loved to death: sexy boys and marshmallows. The street was unusually empty... Was everyone at home? She looked at her watch. 9:40... People were usually out at this time. "Weird." She muttered to herself. She shook her head and kept walking, though completely unaware she was walking right into danger. "Ey." She halted when she heard a rough, male voice. She looked around... Where did the voice come from? "Hey there, lost?" She jumped when the voice was right behind her, quickly turning around as soon as she took one big step forward. "Uhm... No... I was on my way home." She replied to the rather tall, muscular man, "And I should get going.." As she turned around, her shoulder was grabbed. Her blood ran cold. "Aw c'mon.. It wouldn't hurt to just stay the night, babe..." The male went on, leaning forward and sniffing her. "You smell... Delicious.." Odessa began to struggle. "Let go of me you... Creep!" She yelled as she tried to struggle out of his grip, which was oddly strong. "Aw c'mon... I can't just do a little... Bite?" Odessa froze, turning her head, at the edge of her vision seeing only two things: Glowing red eyes, white fangs. He was a... Her oxygen pushed right out of her right as her neck was pierced. Everything went dark, her body going limp.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Fantasy Frontier RP
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:55:59 pm »
Our little story takes place in the land of Grazeus, an expansive, beautiful land, with many different people and places. Any other land would have horses, cows, birds, the like, but we have... Eidolons. These complex creatures are the result of the Cube of Gaia, known in fairy tales and children stories as the thing that created all life in this land. No one knows if it is truely a real thing, for no one has witnessed it. They are very wild creatures, coming in all different shapes and sizes. Some are brought up as wild pets for children, others are horrible problems that need to be purged. There is a certain... Magic in this land as well. Us humans have learned to wield it. Some of us travel the path of a normal weapon user, others travel the path of magic, both good and evil. Though in this age, the Cube of Gaia has been much more active than usual...

Welcome to our RP's advertisement! We are literate, active, mature, human, and yep, FANTASY! We are a growing group in need of members! Fill out the form below, and i'll check if its okay.

Character name (Don't worry, you can use a stationary name and change it later on <3):
Skype name (If you feel uncomfortable with saying it on the thread, just PM me!):
Situational RP sample: You are walking through the woods. Suddenly you are jumped by a group of deadly giant dragonflies. What do you do? (You gotta rp this situation out <3)

Our website!:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Revolution
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:01:06 pm »
Aye. Can't find many good human rps like this these days. I'll join on in~ Still, the plot seems very interesting <3 And i'm very attached to my skype so, Here ya go!:

FH Username: Diamondsky (Old username, back when I was a cute lil warrior cats fanatic)
Character Name: Amaris
Short Character Description: Mid-spine length pitch black hair, left bang that slightly covers eye, but is colored a lavender at the ends, dark, menacing green eyes, 5'11, lean figure that consists of muscles, showing she works out, 23 years of age, usually wears red Beats headphones either over her ears or around her neck. Drug and Alcohol addict.
Skype Username: [email protected] (Its a microsoft account. Just search it in the skype thing)
RP Sample: (Setting is a bus, then the stop) Amaris stared down quietly, having had bags under her eyes. She has been awake for 23 straight hours, it soon to become 24. Even though she was exausted to the point of collapsing, she somehow forced her dull, bloodshot eyes to stay wide open, her forest green oculusi pointing down to the seemingly alligator skinned suitcase. It was pitch black, and had a glossy look to it, though it wasn't real alligator skins that structured it, only plastic. No way could she afford something like that, especially when she pointed most of her money to buying drugs and strong beer. She felt that she just couldn't get around for the day without a wiff or a sip of the potentially deadly substances, though she kept the heavy drinking at moderation. "The bus is now stopping for; Dakota." She was thrown out of her thoughts when the announcement over the intercom. She sighed loudly, slowly arising from her spot on the plastic, uncomfortable seat she had been sitting on for 3 hours, and trekking to the front, exiting the bus.


Species;Kyoki no Akuma;
Age; 40 -Akuma years- 90 -Human years-;
Personality; Somewhat sarcastic, devilish, insane (Inspired by the voice in her head she calls "friend", though she really suffers from a mental disorder), unsympathetic, Enjoys suffering;
Powers, if any; -Not gonna go into COMPLETE detail on what they are, considering I haven't really thought about it XD- Basically things relating to poisoning the mind and the mind itself;
History; Haven't thought bout it. XD; optional
(Ill pop an rp sample here, too. Just so you're dead solid on how I rp.)
Amanita narrowed her eyes down at the furry creature staring up at her, sniffing. Its long, ugly pink tail stuck straight from its brown, furry behind. "Quit staring at me, you ugly thing I call food..." She growled in annoyance. Her wings were tucked, her legs sticking out to the side. 'Why not play with it, dear?' The eerie yet familiar voice of her friend whispered in her ear. A large grin crept onto her face. "Of course... Why haven't I thought of that before?" She replied with a soft chuckle. She unsheathed her claws, though the mouse began to squeak in alarm, quickly scurrying away. She held it still with her other paw. "Tut tut, little child..." She whispered, "Relax..." She licked her claws, spreading her poisonous saliva all over them, and then pricking the small creature with it. It had stopped struggling, seeming to breathe extremely hard, it twitched, running around, though hitting into things or slipping, squeaking loudly,  at points stopping and just staring at nothing, then going back to running and hitting into things. She raised her brows; Interesting. It seemed to do the effects of one who she had injected a lot of poison into. Perhaps its because of its little body it spread so fast... She watched it scurry away into parts unknown, probably confused out of its mind. 'You could have done worse... You know..' The voice murmured. "Ah... But it wouldn't have suffered as well as it did.." [/center]

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another."
Luciano De Crescenzo

We are the Hunters of the Shadows
What are Hunters, you may ask?
We are a species of half humans, half angels.
Our species was created long ago by one man, and one angel,
shedding their blood into a cup,
to be consumed by those who have been born with the Sight.
We battle Demons,
of every shape and size,
in hopes of saving and keeping humanity at peace.
We may too,
encounter demons,
who decide to side with one of us,
though that fight, is a hard fight.
Our numbers are small,
our lineage may die young,
but we teach the youth,
to fight the fight that has been raging for hundreds of years.
For more info:

Interested? You have to fill out the form below to be able to join. This rp is a top notch, mature, literate rp. We also rp on skype, just so we have close-by contact with one another. Really wouldn't want little kiddies joining this either, this is also 13+

Character name:
RP sample:
Age (BE TRUTHFUL. I hate liars.):

If you pass this, with my okay, you can make an account on the forum. You have to have your character's FULL name on it and make a thread . Don't forget to read the rules~!

Pack Member form

Character Name: Yokoi

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years (10 in dog years)

Pic (your chara must be fully black, no markings) Don't have a picture but I did make my character completely black.

Personality: Hm.. I have to think of a proper one if thats okay.. (In the rp sample it won't be her finalized personality)

Pack: Cunning Crescent

Desired Rank: Sentinel

Roleplay Sample:
Yokoi's throat uttered a growl as she approached the stranger wolf that had wandered into the territory. The female watched as they blissfully chased after a rabbit; not even acknowleding her presence. It looked like a dirty mutt with its dirt-laced, knotted fur and horrible smell. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" She called to the senseless canine. It turned its dark head, facing her, its topaz eyes boring into her. "Hunting. What does it look like?" The canine answered flatly. They didn't even realize they were in a pack's territory? "Look. You're in our territory. Just leave and nothing happens, alright?" She answered, narrowing her eyes. The mangey canine seemed to stifle a laugh, rolling its eyes. "Psh. Wolves and dang packs, makes no sense to me, nor does it matter. Why can't we all just be able to hunt where we want?" They said, turning to continue their pursuit of their prey. Yokoi did a long sigh, quickly rushing in front of the ignorant canine. "Look. I don't like those who are stubborn. Just find somewhere else to hunt or i'll have to resort to violence." She said, her ears pinning back. The other canine stared with disbelief, but shook their head and sighed. "Fine. I'll go. I just want some dang prey..." They muttered with anger, trotting off. Yokoi sighed gently, shaking her head, walking off to patrol the area some more.
(Sorry if some parts of this post are crappy, i'm kinda tired...)

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