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Messages - tigers are evil

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / If you are on FH right now... :3
« on: February 18, 2014, 11:42:17 pm »
Hi c: btw if your online now... I am at fluorite plains (I think thats how you spell it X3) and uh I was wondering if you are online like right now can you see if you can see my preset. I wanna make sure I downloaded it right. Red might check or Shallow. But if you are online now can you check?  :-\ My character is called MrGeneral. He is CAMO.

me? have NO idea......

-allways trying to guess my dads password since i need it to download feral heart (he forgot his password too.... *gag*)
-at school i try to send a private message to my friend in my mind (whhaa)
-daydreaming about feralheart
-stalking the fourms at the earlyist time i get up
-stalking feralheart youtube videos
-staying up till silly o clock in the morning drawing fan art of feral heart
-trying to find out my dads password from my dads friend who made it
-at school i try to do the headbang/shake from feral heart and i jump alot
-rageing about why my dad forgot his password
-derping around in circles at school thinking about feral heart
-hoping my dads friend will tell me dads password
-hoping i can find my dads password out
-i once dreamed i was one of my lioness OC (who has a male lion MANE) and i was in the game ITSELF (i even turned it into a story)
-showing dad feral heart videos
-having heart attacks cause i cant download feralheart (DAD PLEASE REMEMBER THE PASSWORD!)

-there was one time i had a bunch of friends with me at school and i tryed to send them all a party invite in my mind then the bullies showed up.......... and i tryed to report them all and block them

the list will be longer when i finally get feral heart!

Forum Games / Re: Yum, or Yuck?
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:08:17 pm »
EW! what the heck is vegemite!? (it would be yum is it was toast and butter)

lava with ice and water and the sun for extra?

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Random Roleplay Party!
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:48:41 pm »
an albino lion with a pink mane came running to the fun and roared to show he was here "you guys dont want a party.... you want a PARTAY!!" the albino lion danced to caramelldansen

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