
Samue Forum Newcomer

  • SamueWolfSword
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Personal Text:
Hi, I`m shy! Who are you?
Date Registered:
February 12, 2011, 08:38:29 am
Local Time:
June 03, 2024, 10:19:07 am
Last Active:
December 23, 2020, 10:15:05 am
  • Profile Description:

    As of 9/20/2019 12:53 PM:
         I am terrified of everyone playing FeralHeart (I think it`s called social anxiety), but I kinda wanna talk to people... So if you see me in-game I`ll probably run away from you or freeze and act like I`m not at the computer.
         So what do I do on FeralHeart? I make things. Lots of things. Anything I want (items, objects, meshes, particles, skies, weather cycles, weather files, terrains, textures (any kind- for objects, UI, markings, etc.), emotes, presets... maybe I forgot some things idk). Even so, I tend not to share these things with the public.
         I also play WolfQuest and in that game I`m less shy.
         For roleplaying, I prefer unrealistic (I want magic) roleplays. Sometimes I prefer to choose existing characters I have rather than create a character specially made for a specific roleplay, and I`m not always flexible in changing my characters (I think). For literacy in roleplays, I prefer to be able to understand what you`re saying; it`s okay if you mistype a word or correct what you did. When roleplaying, I feel left out sometimes so I tend to like roleplaying with only one person. Also, it`s hard for me to keep up with slightly fast chats. I hate romance.

         I`m quite busy with school at the moment :(

         I`m rarely on FeralHeart, but that doesn`t mean I`ll ever truly leave- I can explore all these maps and make my own.
         I rarely use DeviantART, but sometimes use WolfQuest (I`ve been using it less recently, however).
         My WolfQuest 2.7 Username: Samue

Ey, I`m shy! ...but I have gotten braver! Doesn`t mean I`m not scared, though.