Author Topic: All of BlackWolfMimiteh's Charries  (Read 1285 times)


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All of BlackWolfMimiteh's Charries
« on: October 02, 2011, 06:07:13 am »
I figured I'd share all my babies I love them so much, so why not share 'em?

Other pictures:
Name: Achii (Ashanti) A.K.A. "Child Eater"
Breed: Spotted hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 5 years, 3 months
Family: Tapiwa (mother) Gebhuza (father) Gathinji (brother)
Mate: None -contemplating on a search-
Offspring: Gemini (adopted daughter)
Group: Ashanti Canine Clan (a work in progress)

Personality: Twisted, cruel, Sadistic....but also kind, caring, and playful. She is anything but gentle, ans her words are almost always harsh. Her kindness usually comes across as fake. She lacks manners. She's very dominate...

About: As a pup...her mother used her as a weapon, forcing her to eat the offspring of her enemies. Her attempts at resisting wound up in making her sick with starvation, and brought on the abuse of her mother, who grabbed her by the tail and flailed her around until it broke off. Her father explained to her that the children were already dead, and to not eat them would mean they died for nothing. in disgust, but compassion...she would eat the cubs and pups of her mother's enemies. Due to her mother's abuse over the years, Ashanti lost feeling in her nerve endings (she is now incapable of feeling touch or pain), and became cold and distant. Upon the birth of her little brother, Ashanti began to feel her emotions and spirit return, and loved him like her own pup. This lasted until her mother unleashed the same abuse upon him, bringing him near to death. After seeing this, Ashanti killed her mother to save him...and cradled her brother while he died beside her. after his death, Ashanti went in a rage and slaughtered her entire clan....then, ate her brother's body (an act of compassion as she had come to believe). She then left her past....adopting the alias Achii.

When the animals of her country tell her story....they seem to leave out how or why she went crazy, and they never mention that she has not eaten a cub or pup since the death of her brother...
Somehow, it doesn't bother her...
She even has fun with the fact that she's so hated and feared by parents and little ones....but she'd never kill one again. She DOES however, eat the body of ANYONE she kills in battle, to keep them from going to waste (as said before, she believes this is honorable for those who've deceased).

Other pics:
Name: Akoko
Breed: Cheetah (Albino)
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years, 8 months
Family: (Mother) Bahati-deceased- (father) unknown (brother) Blyds
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Group: Cresecent Miles

Personality: Hyper, playful, sweet, loving, and affectionate. She's very naive, and shows compassion towards complete strangers. She's very shy, and doesn't like to be the first to speak...but as soon as introductions are made, she feels free to reveal her child-like nature. She puts all her trust into strangers' paws, believing that if she does so, she'll eventually gain their's as well. She's usually soft and gentle, but is never afraid to get rough and dirty. One thing that she absolutely hates is her brother telling her what to do (she wants him to get it through his head that she's a big girl now, and will make her own decisions).

witnessed her mother being killed by a lion. she and her brother fled to safety, and for almost a year, the two of them grew under Blyds' (the brother's) lead.
She was separated from her brother by a human hunting party, who captured her and were planning to sell her alive (as an albino cheetah is very rare in the wild, or at all). She escaped after a week, whilst being transported, but was far from her homeland. She learned to support herself, and ran into her brother Blyds after almost a year of separation.

Other pictures:
Name: Blyds
Breed: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years, 8 months
Family: (Mother) Bahati-deceased- (father) unknown (Sister) Akoko
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Group: Cresecent Miles

Personality: Serious, Strict, and takes things seriously. He's VERY protective of what he holds near and dear. He doesn't trust strangers, and it takes a long time for him to feel secure enough to trust "friends". He perceives EVERYONE as a possible threat, and never lets his guard down. He never backs away from a fight...but he is not cocky, and never underestimates his opponent. He never smiles...but it very well may just be because he has forgotten how. He never shows any signs of weakness or emotion (except sometimes anger, irritation, or boredom). He also Seems to care for his sister, Akoko, more than a brother should....which he hates himself for.

About: witnessed his mother being killed by a lion. He and his sister fled to safety, and for almost a year, the two of them grew under his lead.
He was separated from his sister by a human hunting party, and he spent almost a year growing faster and means of finding and rescuing her. In time, he gave up hope. It was then, like a miracle, that she returned to him.

other pictures:
Name: Isamu
Breed: Siberian/South China Tiger
Gender: Male
Age: A little over 3 years
Parents: Chun Hei (mother), Andrick (Father)
Mate: None -contemplating a search-
Offspring: None
Group: None

Personality: Proud, demanding, sometimes cruel, but sometimes merciful. He is strict, and always holds his ground. Although he KNOWS he's the best, he is anything but cocky, and and is always very cautious in battle. If he were ever to mate, it would be because of good breeding, not because of love.

About: Raised by a leopard (Mamoru; means protector), and not a tiger...Isamu has all the brute strength of a tiger, and the speed and agility of a leopard. He claimed the territory after the death of his mentor, becoming guardian of the lost land.

Other pics:
Name: Roren
Breed: Husky/German shep/Akita
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years, 2 months
Parents: Father unknown, and he doesn't talk about his mother (he knows who she is, but prefers her identity to be a mystery)
Mate: None -searching-
Offspring: None
Group: None

Personality: Silent, almost always having a blank or irritated expression. He tend's to keep his thoughts to himself, and his motives hidden...which sometimes worries those who've been around him. He is street smart, and very intelligent, but takes everything literally (like sarcasm, jokes, and sayings) and lacks some common sense.

About:Since puphood, Roren has been fending for himself, rumaging for scraps, scavanging, and stealing. He has always done what it takes to survive. He has been taken in, and been abandoned again and again. He has yet to feel upset about being alone, as he has always only needed himself.

Other pics:
Name: Masika
Breed: African lion
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years, 4 months
Parents: Amara (mother) Udo (father)
Mate: None -searching, but nervous about it-
Offspring: None

Personality: playful, naive, affectionate. Always wants the people around him to laugh, and even for one so young, he wants to do all he can to help relieve burden. He never lets anyone see him down (which, hard to believe, is almost always). Has a young spirit....but also lacks the ability to share his feelings with others.

About: After Masika's father died, his mother was driven insane (she was harsh before, but without her mate, she became cruel), and grew abusive towards her pride and her cub. After time, he left his pride and began searching for a place in the world where he could be wanted or belong....or even needed.

Name: Yosphet
Breed: Demonic
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years, 2 months (still young, according to his breed)
Family: Azazel (father) , Rei (mother) True (half sister, not that he knows or cares)
Mate: None -but is always willing  ;) -
Offspring: None
Group: None -prefers to be in charge, anyways-
Personality: Rude, mean, demanding, cocky. He's arrogant, self-centered, and has an over-inflated ego. He never asks for permission. He absolutely -Removed by Moderator-, and doesn't care about the gender of his lovers (he's bi).

About: Living his life in luxury, surrounded by slaves, servants, and his own personal harem to attend to his every whim, Yosphet hailed as prince in the 9th realm of Hell. He was banished by his father, as a punishment for his mother.

Other pics:
Name: True
Breed: Demonic
Gender: Female
Age: 5 (still a pup according to her breed)
Parents: Azazel (father), Paradise (mother)
Mate: None (lol too young)
Offspring: None (seriously)
Group: None

Personality: Shy, cautious, and doesn't trust others. She doesn't share her thoughts or feelings with anyone, and is very mature for one her age. she doesn't speak often, and when she does it's usually perceived as she says things how they are.

About: when she was still very small, her mother made an attempt to escape from Hell. She managed to break free long enough to find True a safe home, but soon after, Azazel found and slaughtered her for betrayal. True stayed with a foster family until she turned 2, and she left in search of a place to belong.

Other pics:
Name: Lucid Boipelo
Breed: African lion
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years, 7 months
Parents: Kamaria (mother) Gero (Father) Loki (big brother)
Mate: None -at least not officially, yet-
Offspring: None
Group: None -but is thinking of starting a pride-

Personality: Despite what many would think, Lucid is gentle, sweet, loving, compassionate....sometimes a bit of a dork. Though he may be naive at times, he's very protective of those close to him, and will cut down anything or anyone who threatens them.

About: Lucid was born into a decent sized pride. His older brother was expecting to be the heir, but their father reconsidered and appointed Lucid as his new heir before his eyes were even open. Some months later, Loki lost his mind and slaughtered the pride. Lucid's mom, managing to get her cub as far from their home as she could, safely hid Lucid, and returned to help her mate. Lucid returned to his home the next day to find his family dead, and Loki gone. Lucid lived on his own for a short period of time, and a small band of outcasts took him in until he reached teen-hood. He dispersed after his sweet heart tried to kill him, hoping to find a permanent home, or just something to call his. He frequently suffers from depression based on his past experiences.
Also, he has another form. more on that in a different link.

Other pics
Name: Starla Amarantine Ventus Epicus Celtica (just "Starla" for short)
Breed: African lion / Felidae Celticus (a self-made on that some other time)
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Parents: Aros ArDan Euraid Crystynthan Celtica (father) Ceinlys (mother)
Mate: none -thinking about it...probably doesn't want one-
Offspring: none
Group: none

Personality: Fiery, feirce, and energetic. Never turns down an opportunity to show off, and never runs from a fight (even when odds are clearly against her). She shows very little fear (if any), and those nearest to her can always look to her for inspiration. She's EXTREMELY loyal, and VERY protective. She loves sparring, as it gives her a chance to gloat, and to sharpen her skills. She sometimes tends to run head-on into things she can't handle.

About: Starla was born in a small big-cat clan, which was lead by Celtic beings. She herself was born of both breeds, signifying the union of the two worlds. The majority ofthe Celtic beings, however, were not pleased with this unholy union. She was for the most part spoiled by the clan...being loved on both sides. she was trained in the ways of the big cats, and was taught to control her birth elements from the celtics (white fire and wind). at some point in her younger years, the entire clan mysteriously disappeared. Only Starla remains, and only Starla knows what happened, but she's not too keen on telling.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 04:33:06 pm by Kynvuu »