Author Topic: *~ Members Needed! Literate and Semi~Realistic~ Two Clan Warrior Cat Roleplay~*  (Read 1909 times)

Offline Saii

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Information Location - Coalclan lies solely within the mountain range to the northwest of the small town of North Santown Hill.

Specialty - These cats are best known for their excellent vision, especially at night, and their other heightened senses. Because they have to rely on more than just their eyes deep within the dark caves, not only are their eyes sharp, but so are their ears and their sense of touch. They are also adept at going longer times without food since prey is thin in their territory.

Prey - Prey is rather scarce inside the mines, but up above them on the mountains themselves prey runs rather well normally. They hunt things like rabbits and birds, with the occasional mouse or vole that made its home this far north, and sometimes they fish when land prey is really scarce.

Way they Differ - They have good relations with the mountain goats sharing their territory, and more often than not the goats will allow them to have some of their milk as supplements for their kits (or in larger quantities for kits whose mother has died in kit-birth or who cannot suckle them) and as a rare treat for the other clan members.

Relations - Mortal enemies with Honeyclan.

Biggest Threat - Wolves and the threat of the tunnels collapsing. Wolves rarely get close to the entrance tunnel while hunting in the mountains, but the occasional hard winter snow storm will blow them indoors, though they always stay at the mouth since they cannot get through the small crevices needed to get past the blockade. They pose a threat to incoming warriors however.


TerrorStar (Atem)


None (Please note, if you apply for Deputy, you will be intertwined with a future plot for when Saii's Character Copper joins, he becomes the new Deputy at some point)

Medicine Cat

SilentStep (GreyTea)


SpiritRock (Saii)
MorningFrost (Atem)











Information Location - Honeyclan is nestled in between two dirt roads, one leading north to the town of Grandmill Falls, and another also leading north, but around the coal mines. They are right beside Coalclan, separated only by the latter of the two mentioned dirt roads, and they extend the farthest north of any clan, even beyond the mountains. For this, they are labeled as greedy, but no other clan tries to stop them.

Specialty - Honeyclan cats are best known for their calculating tactics, intelligence, and overall appearance. They carry themselves with far more pride than the other clans simply because by genetics, they are generally the largest of the cats. If not large in height, the cats tend to be rather sturdy with little illnesses or lingering birth defects. They are the clan with the least number of sensory defects (blind, deaf, mute, dumb). HoneyClan is also Nocturnal.

Prey - Everything is prey to them. They don't have any certain kind of animal they hunt more. Mice, birds, rabbits, squirrels, and any other small land prey animal is what they eat. Since they have to go off their territory in order to get water they do not fish.

Way they Differ - Like their namesake, Honeyclan is the clan best adept at getting honey from the many bees nests that populate their territory. Also, Honeyclan differs from the other clans because its borders are ever changing. With each new leader they gain more territory in the north, slowly inching towards the far, far northern shoreline. They also are mostly nocturnal as well, but some come out during the day.

Relations - Mortal enemies with Coalclan.

Biggest Threat - Other clan cats. The other clans are very wary of this clan and much more prone to attacking them than they would another clan.


BatStar (Thestoneofdoom)



Medicine Cat

















NeverMore (Saii, Has to interest in joining a clan)



Copper (Saii, is to join CoalClan later on)



Character Name:
Clan: (Loners/Rogues/Kittypets/Ratters/Barn Cats put "N/a")
Body Structure:
Personality Traits: (Minimum three positive, three negative)
History: (At least three paragraphs)
Roleplay Sample: (At least three paragraphs)
Character Picture:


Notes for when you Join:

1.) There is no character limit but you need to keep them all active

2.) You can not have two important positions, like, you cant be CoalClan's Deputy and HoneyClan's Medicine cat.

3.) If you do have an important position (Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat) You need to be on them the most

4.) There is a size limit, below you will see a screenshot of the size you should be, BLUE is for CoalClan, ORANGE is for HoneyClan

5.) Once accepted, we will ask you if you want the link to be Messaged to you Via: Email, FH Site, Deviant Art

6.) Once accepted, please add the following to the back of your name: CC(then the letter that you are like K for kit) or HC(then the letter that you are like K for kit). CC=CoalClan // HC=HoneyClan

7.) Atem, the maker of the map, plans on revamping the map, so we will be getting a new map soon :D!

8.) You may start roleplaying right when you get onto the map, no wait :D

Offline Saii

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Giving it a little boost :3

Offline Thestoneofdoom

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Giving these two epic clans a boost!

Offline Saii

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Woo for boosts :D

Offline Saii

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Another Boost