Author Topic: Arefellion Wolves~~  (Read 1962 times)

Offline Samili

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Arefellion Wolves~~
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:09:50 pm »
History: The Arefellion Wolves were born to Survive and adapt to the Mountains of there home. Their white pelts matching the snow as they moved along. They have no enemys; only cause no one wants to live in freezing conditions.
  A centry ago A silver and white wolf called Ambrosia died saving, her packmates, from only one thing, there evil ancestors. Her life bled out into the snow. Her grave site is now where the temple lays. A old ancient legend tells, you can see her only on the night she died, December 26. At the time Ambrosia was a Guard, She was always Loyal.
   Only now a few months ago A she-wolf was born. Her beauty, her Pelt, Is just like the old Ancient, White with dark blue markings, symboling the sky, For which the Ancient now lives. This new wolf is the new Alpha, well soon.
   Personalilty: These wolves are very loyal to each other, They watch for each others pups. If your found on there territory, your dead meat. These wolves are a giant family, from the omegas to the Elders.
Apperance: All wolves pelts are White, Any markings are allowed. Plus any color. Only dark blue and silver is extremly rare.
Reproduction: Every wolf reaches adult hood at the age of 10.  If a female is heat, inside the pack she must leave the main den and go to the other den, until her in-heat is over. The wolves in-side the pack that can breed are gonna be listed: Alphas, Guards,Hunters, and only two omegas.
In-Forum Name:

Ranks: Every wolf joins as a subortinte, female or male wolf without a rank.
You work for your ranks.
Maps: We will have a map, which am making, we will possible have 2 more maps as the plot contuines on.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 11:54:08 pm by Lizzie »
My in-game Charries: Akeli, Brooke, Rosepetal, Adendei H, Samili, and Tourniquet TEC. Yes am Samili in-Game!
My loved one took another mate, He said he "loved" me, and this is what I get Betrayel, Love is fake on this game. Now its time for revenge. ~~Once upon a time I was falling in love, Now am only falling apart, Nothing I can Say~~


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Re: Arefellion Wolves~~
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 09:56:57 pm »
hmm interesting ive never heard of lol learn how to spell ;)