Author Topic: What Is A Mary-Sue? :I  (Read 1758 times)

Offline PanicedPan

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What Is A Mary-Sue? :I
« on: November 22, 2011, 01:54:18 pm »
Okay, to start not sure to call this a rant or not maybe rant-ish I suppose. XD ((oh and sorry accidentally posted this without putting up what i wanted to say... my computer can be such a diva :I ))

So let me start with a little story before I really get into this:
One day I was on a website and wanted to ado an Rp group (as usual). There was this character I made for a book I'm working on and I wanted to see how well she'd act with others (ya know testing her out and what not before I begin to put her in the book for a main character)
This is her Profile:
Name: Irisa Firon
Gender: Female
Race: elven
Age: 15
Apperance: dark brown eyes,  red frizzy hair,  freckles going across her cheeks and nose,  she looks a bit boyish (I have a pic of her but im not done with it :I)
Personality: she's not a girly-girl, stubborn and not afraid to fight, loyal to her friends and family but wary of unfamiliar faces, blunt
((and to add on she doesn't like wearing dresses or 'girl clothing', she prefers to dress like a boy. She thinks that if she dresses like a girl no one will take her seriously))
Okay I'm not going to put up her History because I can't remember it from that Rp lol.

I liked her and I was (and still) excited to put her as my main character in my book. So I started off with the rp after a few people joined (mind you it's fantasy and has a renaissance setting in the story). It was going pretty okay, Irisa got into a few scrapes, but hey it was interesting. Then this one chick decided to come in and join. No problem right? Wrong .-. . She put in her Character's profile for everyone to see and here it is... some of it anyways:
Name: Luna LaLu
Gender: female
Age: 16
Race: elf/fairy/wolf shape shifter
Apperance: white hair like the snow long and flowing to her mid back, bright blue crystal eyes, pale skin with faint blush, small waist, a purple necklace that shines when she's angry and... (yea it goes on for a while .-.)
Personality: loving, caring, graceful, kind, charity, romantic, shy... (goes on don't feel like listing them all lol)

I sorta lol'd when she went on and on with her appearance, don't get me wrong detail is good but to make a HUGE friggin' paragraph describing how 'drop-dead' gorgeous your character is, a little too much for me, but I said nothing and we continued the rp. As we did we noticed how... show-off like this girl was, this Luna character wouldn't stop babbling about her mom and dad where killed because she was the chosen one in this Prophecy that is known throught the land (btw none of our characters knew of this Prophecy and I sure as hell, excuse my language, didn't put this 'Prophecy up in my group and i had the story plot laid out for people to read and get a grasp on what it's about to make the rp flow). She was constantly flirting with this guy char (forgot his name) and he kept shooting her down, then she went to another guy character, then another, all said they wanted no relationship  with this mary-sue person XD. I'm guessing she got pissy at us because none one wanted to be around Luna. (Seriously when she got in a fight with my character she kept dodging and threw some god-like power at me and said she killed Irisa :P) In ooc she asked why is everyone avoiding Luna and I stated that... well... she's kinda mary-sueish and constantly tries to get with every guy she meets which gives me the impression she's not very loyal and 'easy'.
I'm guessing she got a little offended about me being rude to her character so she begins to critize on mine saying that irisa is a block head and such. My responses 'She's a tomboy... a really big tomboy lol so she's gonna act rude every once in a while but she's good at heart :P at least my character has flaws' then she said 'My character does have flaws! She's clumsy'..... wait what? i don't really consider clumsy as a flaw anybody can be clumsy. heck my dog got over excited one day and skid into the wall .-. (he didn't get hurt don't worry :3 )). So basically one by one the people in my group left till there was only me and this Luna person DX. I eventually closed it and went back to working and touching up on characters for my story. Then the next day (i think ._.) the girl finds my profile and starts to chat with me, I didn't want to but did it anyways lol.  Turns out she just wanted to criticize on one of my characters again she said that one of my characters, Cila, was a mary sue. I asked why and how? She said 'Because she's pretty and she she as cat-like abilities'.... no... that doesn't make my character a sue.... does it?  Cila is a companion to my Irisa she is the opposite to Irisa in many ways. She was pretty, yes, but just because my character is good looking doesn't mean she's a sue .-. . She has her flaws, when she gets really into the fights she becomes... ugly... can't really explain what I mean i'm still kinda working on it. It's like say if she was in a fight with some bad guy and this guy hurt Iris really badly, Cila gets angry and goes all out ninja on him and enjoys slowly painfully torturing the bad guy till he begs for death, (like I said she i'm still working on her). In the end the chick is just beginning butthurt about yesterday and start bad mouthing me, she leaves and i sit there loling irl. :D

Now that little story is done I'm gonna talk about something related to sues :3. We mostly know what a mary-sue is right?  But I saw this mary-sue rant on youtube (i think it's been awhile.... i have selective memory :( )) and it said that if a character is good looking, handsome, beautiful, pretty, has a unique name like Snowy or Luna or Bella, and have powers/ natural abilities they are a sue. This was my face when I watched that video (.-.). Like I said before just because a character is good looking doesn't mean their a sue. I can understand though if the character is say... SO BEAUTIFUL THAT EVERY BODY LOVES ME THEY MOMENT HTEY SEE ME AND ALL THE PPLZ THAT DONT LIKE ME ARE EVILLLL!!!! :D.... yea then that's prey sue ish

As for the powers I thinks that pretty silly. Does that mean Harry Potter or Persy Jackson is a Larry sue? God I hope not D:> . Characters with powers have a weakness or need a weakness. Take Disney's Hercules for instants (I know there's better examples out there I'm just gonna use this one cause i like the movie lol) His weakness is that the one he cares for (Meg) is in danger there for he gives up his strength to Hades to save her. Weakness in powerful heros or characters makes the story interesting and have a climax and lets the story progess and not stay stuck in one place. What I'm trying to say is I think that without a flaw or weakness we know that there hero will win no matter what and ending will all be the same, he defeats the monster and gets the girl and everybody loves happily ever after the end .-. m could you imagine if all movies were like that? I mean I know there's movies that have the good guy get the girl and everyone loves him because he SAVED THE DAY :D and stuff, but what about the dark movies? Horror and Drama not all of them have a happy ending (Sweeney Todd for example :D )).

Could you imagine what everyone's a opinion on a mary sue (or at least this person) would be if it were absolute fact? That means that everyone will try to avoid making a sue character and just a have a stick as the main character, heck for all the characters.... yep that's basically the plot for the story. It's a bout a stick that just lays there and does nothing, not even a stick figure... just a stick... I'm not saying my opinion is fact I'm just stating what I see alot in rant vids and websites that rant on this.

So you guys what do you think?


« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 03:05:27 pm by Minnie »
@w@ hewwoooooo :3

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Re: What Is A Mary-Sue? :I
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 08:24:48 pm »
You pretty nailed what a Mary Sue is XD

But about the powers thing, I think it's ok for characters to have powers as long as it's not crazy or overdone (like the flying water power invisibility immortality sparkle fairywings angel light powers lol) and it also depends on the characters race and environment too. Because if every being in that race can fly and spout fire and go invisible then it isn't so bad.
And if a character has a bunch of powers outside of wherever and the powers aren't overly abused then I think it's ok too. I guess it's really dependant on how a character is portrayed.

:I generally those who have mary sues don't think they are, and will come up with explanations as to why they aren't sues. I've been there lol, they were dark days in my past XD

Offline PanicedPan

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Re: What Is A Mary-Sue? :I
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 03:35:11 pm »
I see where you're coming from with the powers because the Luna personwas really over doing it lol XD.          I also forgot to add about the name thing, I dont really have problem with unique names. LoL just read a fantasy book or fantasy rp theres a good chance alot, if not all, the characters name will be not all that normal like Draison, Cila, Altor (lol these are the few names of my own characters). Those kind of names are the equivalent (spelling fail) to the normal names like Bob, John, and Joe X3
@w@ hewwoooooo :3

Offline RyuuWolf

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Re: What Is A Mary-Sue? :I
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2011, 01:50:17 am »
Haha wow XD I hate it when people make mary-sues... I mean, everyone (in my opinon :P) kinda tries to make the perfect character that they enjoy, but usually it ends up as a mary-sue. I try to fill my characters up with a lot of flaws like hot-headedness, being annoying, and some others like that (I do think clumsyness is a flaw though, but it depends on how clumsy :U). I think that making a mary-sue by accident is quite easy to do, and by rping with your character, I think you did well with that (reacting to situations etc.) ;D That other girl could've been pretty young though, or at least new to the internet. I think you handled that situation quite well actually XD