Author Topic: Were all Real Lions at Heart  (Read 1379 times)


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Were all Real Lions at Heart
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:35:38 pm »
Were all Real Lions at Heart
Nelly and Silver were practicing their fighting skills. Nelly's father roared as a sign for dinner of fresh-killed zebra. Nelly and Silver stopped playing and ran for dinner, they were grateful for the lionesses to kill for the pride. Nelly's father was named Lenape, her mother was named Hidasta. Nelly was Silver's bestest friend in the whole entire world. He belonged to one of the lionesses he never knew his father though. After the wonderful feast all the lions went to the cave to rest, and so did the cubs.

Morning had arrived, and so had bath time for Nelly and Silver. Silver managed to get up before anyone else to avoid his bath. "Roar, roar!" He exclaimed trying to let out a big roar. Silver ran to Nelly, who was taking a nice bath., "Hey guess what!" Nelly looked over at him and mumbled, "What do you want!?" His mother grabbed him by the stuff and began to clean him. "Mom!" he growled "I hate baths!" "You need one, you smell terrible." Nelly's mother let her go, "Run along and play with your dad."

Nelly ran off to play with her dad. Lenape stood over his cliff looking down, and mumbled "They're back!" Nelly giggled getting ready to pounce, "Who's back?!" "I'm not joking!" Nelly crouched in fear of his strong growl. Lenape roared at the other lions to round up war. The cubs were ordered to go into the cave immediately, they ran into cave terribly scared. The war was finally over, the cubs ran out and smelled the smell of misery and death. Nelly ran to her mother and father, "Did we win?" "Yes, but your mother did not." Pointing at the lifeless body of her mother. Nelly sat down and cried over her mother. Silver looked at her "I'm very sorry for your loss, anything I can do to help?" "Yes" she said "if you can bring back the dead." Silver sighed, "Unfortunately, I can not." "No deal then" she said turning her back "Never be happy again!"

Months passed and Silver and Nelly grew up. Soon Lenape gave the place of leader to Silver. Silver and Nelly were the king and queen of the land. Silver looked over his kingdom, Nelly came up to him and whispered "We will have a new member of the pride." Silver looked at her with happy eyes. He nuzzled her kindly. Soon after, Nelly and Silver had their cub, they named him Grimm. He was a hyper little thing. He loved Silver very much he always played with him and chewed on his ears. On his way to being a good leader, he met this female lion cub. Her name was Belle, she was very adventurous like Grimm. It was practically love at first sight.

That night, Nelly dreamed about the war when she was little. She remembered saying 'Never be happy again.' She knew it wasn't true, but she did know it would pass onto Grimm. Grimm grew into a teenage lion. His mane and tufts were coming in, he already looked like a true leader. He had deep blue eyes, and a creamy underfur. He had been dreaming of being leader for as long as he can remember.

More coming soon...