Author Topic: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)  (Read 1981 times)

Offline Keiththewolf

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A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« on: December 03, 2011, 10:36:16 pm »
Ok, so I haven't been playing long at all, or had an RP yet (I'm gonna change that though), but already I do have a few suggestions. First of all, is the chat windows. I notice that all the chats are mashed into one window. This may let to be able to see what's all going on around you, but what if you were trying to focus on a certain channel (or chat)? The problem is that if the place is crowded, the chat is updates so fast, that I might miss a message for me. The second problem is going back on the messages to check what was said. You can't slowly scroll from one message to the next, but you make sudden jumps. What I think would be helpful would be a way to filter what chat channels you want to receive (but you wouldn't be able to tune out mod messages), and scroll arrows that could allow you to scroll back slowly. And this is a shot in the dark, but how about a local roleplay channel, instead of using the local channel? I can't really tell if someone just said hi to me in the local channel, or if they're rping. And I can't find any rps, since I have no idea if it is an rp, or just a conversation. That suggestion may not be my best, but I think the first 2 defiantly deserve some attention.

Secondly, this one you may get alot: add more items to character designing. For one thing, the options there are, the better characters we can make (but again, please add arrow keys to the scroll bars!). I suggest maybe adding something like chest fluff, or being able to change the color of the front of your character. Also, I feel like the weight setting is misnamed. When I think of terms of how 'weight' is used, it's more of the polite way of saying that your character is chubby. I feel that it should be called something like bulk, or muscle, since thats what it all really is. That being said, maybe if anyone feels like making their character chubby should be free to do so. After all, characters should be whatever people want them to be. All you need to do really is give them the chance, and you'd be surprised what people would make their characters look like.

Third, and last on my list is the movie maker: genius! This is something that really makes the game unique. It gives players the option to create their own movies. And with a bit of creativity, I'm sure many will make awesome movies with it! But i think it's a powerful feature that should be expanded upon, as it is a neat feature I think, and would defiantly deserve some attention. But what if your alone? Maybe you should also give the single player movie maker (when it comes out) the ability to make multiple characters, and direct them, like you would on a stage. You know, and them people could make their own movies. It's not that I wish to cut the social part of it out or anything, but for some people, it can be hard to find people who are willing to help them. Especially when you already have a script and storyline you want to be followed.

Anyways, just a few of my thoughts. Not sure if they're worth very much, but a voice spoken outloud, is better than one held within. :)
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Offline Ramine

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 12:05:41 am »
First, if you need to focus on one chat, you can just turn off the others, and you can scroll up slowly, I don't see how it can't be done.. owo
The local Rp channel seems like a good idea, though it might be hard to actually add it.

Secondly, on my opinion, there is no point of posting suggestions like these, there are a lot and I mean a lot of threads discussing them.

Third, I has nu comments xD
I must say, some of these ideas are pretty gewd c:

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Offline Keiththewolf

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 12:53:05 am »
Yeah, i noticed after I posted this. But even when I do that, the whole list of people who've connected and disconnected keep annoying me as well. If I only I could get those to disappear. XP Second, true, but on forums, it's impossible to read every suggestion thread, and then make original suggestions. Ever though someone may had made it, that could have been months ago, and berried away under a whole bunch of threads. In my experience, it's usually just best to say whatever you have to say, in case someone has not said it before. If they have, then this revives that suggestion, without nacroposting (? I don't know how it;s spelt, but it's bringing a thread thats dead back to life, which isn't allowed on most forums). And third, thanks! XD Atleast someone read these! Most suggestions don't get read, you know? X3
Evil...evil live in the giant Rubrik's Cube! (If you don't get it, look up Kharzem Fortress from Skyland) XD

Offline Ramine

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 07:54:41 pm »
There is a way to turn off the orange texteh c: Go in-game, press 'esc' and go to options, then scroll down a little and you'll see 'Arrival Chat Name Type' click there, choose 'don't show' and there you go ^^
Second, again I has now comments xD
Third, Your welcome, lol and yes some suggestions wont be read o:

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Offline Keiththewolf

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 08:12:27 pm »
Oh..thank you! XD; That will help quite a bit! Uhg...I'm so stupid! XD;
Evil...evil live in the giant Rubrik's Cube! (If you don't get it, look up Kharzem Fortress from Skyland) XD

Offline Ramine

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2011, 08:19:59 pm »
Welcome, and nu chu ain't stupid, ^^

Signature by Delay. <3

Offline Keiththewolf

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Re: A few suggestions (chat, character design, and movie maker)
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 06:35:34 pm »
Oooohhh! One thing I do find neat is the movie maker function in the game, but I can only use it for my player, and the other movie maker on the main menu is still under development. I hope that gets finished soon. This could be a great way to make your own movies or such! Ofcourse, you'd give the game the credit for providing the engine and such, and the developers for their hard work.
Evil...evil live in the giant Rubrik's Cube! (If you don't get it, look up Kharzem Fortress from Skyland) XD