Author Topic: ? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)  (Read 1906 times)

Offline IvyWolf

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? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:26:21 pm »
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 03:04:41 pm by Maddie »


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Re: ? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 11:27:28 pm »

"The name is Mkaidi, now I ask you please not to forget it."

"That stung a bit. Female."


"I am about three and a half years old."

Past mates:

Quiet places, Cuddling, she enjoys short walks, Relaxing, Hunting, and she likes to watch a good sunset.

Rude people, loud noises, and mate beggars.

Mkaidi is a stubborn lioness indeed, and she is a bit headstrong at times, but she appears calm and collected to most that don't know her true personality. Mkaidi is proud and confident in her hunting and fighting abilities, and is most definitly not afraid to tell you this little fact about herself. Though she does have a hard time when other lions tell her no to something she wants, or when others ignore her. Mkaidi sometimes has moments that when she is deep in thought or concentration, she will aggresively snap at you if you bother her in any way.

Mkaidi was born into a considerably large pride, her father, Shuuja, happened to be the Pride Lord at the time, though he was a cruel Pride Lord indeed. Shuuja ruled over his pride with feirce authority, and many signs of aggression towards his females and their inocent young cubs. Shuuja's name means 'brave', but Mkaidi knew Shuuja showed no signs of bravery, just cowardness. He murdered male cubs a few minutes after they are born, and rumors say that he murdered a pregnant lioness just because he thought she was pregnant with a male cub inside her. Though time passed quickly, and Mkaidi was mostly oblivious of her father's cruel aggression until she was about a year old, and was it only then did she began to see her father's true personality, and that was only because of his unforgivable actions.
When Mkaidi was merely just a year old, Shuuja wrongly accused her mother, Adin, of mating with a male loner. Shuuja didn't even wait to hear Adin's reply before brutally killing her with a bite to the neck, and all Mkaidi knew she could do was watch in horror as the life seeped from her mother's unusual silverish gray eyes. Watching her mother die brought out a courage in Mkaidi that she didn't even know she had, and she boldly attempted to attack Shuuja, but was held back by the comforting words of the other females. Feeling lost, lonely, and depressed all at the same time, Mkaidi ran from her pride and her cruel father Shuuja, and did not stop once to look back...

« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 02:45:34 pm by Sarah Taylor »

Offline IvyWolf

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Re: ? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 06:02:42 am »
Name: Mkaidi
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Family: Idrina is her mother, and her father is unknown.
Pride rank: Azath
Personality: Mkaidi is most definatly stubborn indeed, for that is why she was given the name 'Mkaidi', which means 'stubborn. She is quite sarcastic and dry at times, but most of the time she stays quiet, and listens to the world around her.
History: She doesn't like to talk about it.
In game/Forum username: Sarah Taylor

I can't accept you just quite yet, There are two things wrong, but one of them I should have stated in my post.
There is no screenshot of your character, could I have one please?
Azaths have two ranks. So if you could choose from a healer, hunter, patroller or warrior and an Azath, So you could lay it out like this: Azath/Hunter Or whatever rank you want. After that, you'll be accepted! I'm also glad you'd like to join. ^^


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Re: ? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 02:46:22 pm »
[It has been edited.]

Offline IvyWolf

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Re: ? Kyofu Pride ? (Open and accepting)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2011, 03:05:02 pm »
[It has been edited.]
Accepted! Welcome to the pride.