Author Topic: Hello there :3  (Read 1364 times)


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Hello there :3
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:59:27 am »
* There we go. <33

--Hello there and I'm Jeamesero. I won't give you my name since I don't really like to, I preffer to be called by my main character's name Jeamesero. Or you can call me Jeames, Jeam, Jea or even James, whatever you like. <3
--I'm fourteen years old, on the third of January, which is soon, I will turn fifteen (yay! 8D). My favorite color is green (I hate pink -.-) and my favorite animal is the wolf. I don't have a favorite food but I really like macaroni with cheese, pizza, lasagna and french fries a lot (but I'm really picky so I only like one lasagna X'D).
--What else can I tell about myself...? Oh yeah! My favorite band is Sonata Arctica! But I also like the bands Red, X-ray dog, ES Posthumus, Skillet, Three Days Grace and Linkin Park.
--I've a female dog called Muppet and two fishes, they once got babies but those all died (I don't really know which one's the male and which one's the female). :/
--I also love to draw, write, to use the computer and to play badminton (unless it are every week's stupid lessions I've to take Dx). I write poems sometimes but mostly I write books:
Stories I'm currently writing:
Escape from prison --> chapter 17
Mountain wolves --> chapter 18
Angels and Demons (on hold)
Jeames and Shen- The drakenmedaillons --> chapter 11

--I've a lot of characters and if you guys don't mind, I would really like to post them here so you can see them (or you can skip this part if you like x3). <3
These are all my characters, related to my main character Jeamesero.

Jeamesero (main character), Shun (expressionless half-brother), Daniel (sexeh idiot), Lena (annoying friend), Diego (sexeh-joker), Hilya (bossy half-brother), Kenshin (joking friend), Mustafa (insane brother), Brad (not really great friend), Susan (irritating half-sister), Jonathan (boyfriend), Haya (not so close friend), Judana Silovia (just a character), Esan (stepfather), Yamero (mean father), Lilly (great stepmother), Karin (caring mother), Battouga (uncle and worst enemy), Cailin (annoying cousin), Medicine (just a character), Stuart (just a character), Benny [Dingo] (friend), Benjamin (not so close friend), Vince (nice criminal), Brick (fat and stupid criminal) and Josh (paedophile bounty hunter).

Wow, a lot... o.o''
Anyway, I guess that's it since else I would be typing and typing without stoping, I would be wasting your time. XD

Take care guys and see you around the furums, I might change a bit about this all later, though.


PS: When it comes to bio's mine are always the longest, I begin  to guess. o3o XD
PPS: My DeviantART account is:
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 10:02:15 am by Jeamesero »