Author Topic: FeralHeart ~Chapter 1-3~  (Read 1578 times)

Offline moonpebble

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FeralHeart ~Chapter 1-3~
« on: January 20, 2012, 04:03:25 am »
  "Rachel? Can you come down here? Your cat is acting wierd." said Poppy, Rachel's teenaged sister. "Like, umm, super-wierd! It's eyes are, like, a purplish color!" Rachel went downstairs, her feet making a brush, tap, brush, tap sound. She looked at Poppy and her cat, Feraless. "Feraless, come over here, kitty-kitty. Who wants her squirrel toy? Who wants her squirel toy?" Rachel made a noise for Feraless to go to her. As Feraless trotted to Rachel, Rachel could see the purplest eyes she had ever seen! Feralness put her head, up, wanting Rachel to rub her chin, then as Rachel did, the cat bit her wrist. "Owww!" Rachel slapped the cat and passed out.
   Waking up by an ocean, Rachel saw a lion infront of her. It was a reddish color like her hair, and had brilliant green eyes, like her! Rachel screamed, calling out to some one to help, "A lion! Help! A lion! Help me!" Rachel tried to get up, but instead found herself on four legs. "Wait? Am I the lion?" Rachel said. Looking to her right, another lion stood, glaring at her, "Of course! Are you stupid or what?!" the she-lion scowled. Rachel walked to the other lion, and raised her small head, because even in FeralHeart, she was still kid sized.
                Chapter 2
    Studying the flora and fauna of Bonfire Island, Rachel wrote a letter to her Great-Aunt Constance, her sister, father and mother. After she was bored of studying, she sought out help from some one, for she was dumb in this world. She knew nothing of it. "Hello? I am Rachel Cores," Rachel tapped on a male lion's back with her tail. "Do you know where I could find help? I am new here and---" Rachel stopped, the male turned around and he had many scars. "Yes, young'un. I can show ya around 'ere." He beckoned with his tail to follow into a tunnel, Rachel followed like a dog, obedient and stepping high after its owner.
    Stopping near the edge of a small cliff, the male stopped. "Cores, hunh? Nice name, I'm Axe." the male bowed his head, his black mane, large in the back. Rachel looked at him and blushed, "No no, I'm....-- Rachel stopped and thought: 'All these lions have cool names. Maybe I should come up with a new name!' --"AlaskaHearts." Rachel bowed her head to Axe.
     Falling through the foam of a grand, majestic waterfall, Rachel screamed a song to try and calm herself. "NEVERMIND, I'LL FIND SOME ONE LIKE YOU!!!!!!" Rachel cried, her eyes closed and mouth gaping wide. "I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST, FOR YOU, TOO! DON'T FORGET ME, I'LL STAY. I'LL REMEMBER YOU SAAIIID, SOMETIMES IT LASTS IN LOVE, BUT SOMETIMES IT HURTS INSTEEEEAAAAD!!!!!!!!" Rachel felt herself being pelted with water, she opened her eyes, and there was Axe, smiling like a fool! How could he be smiling twenty feet under-water!?!
               Chapter 3
      Looking out from the cave, many lions walked, ran and rested, this was Flourite Plains. Following Axe to a place far from many other lions, "Listen close, many lions here are prison-escapers. We must be very, very careful!" Axe crouched down, low enough to touch Rachel's nose. "Especially Kocra and his brother, Faylom." Rachel looked at him and touched his nose with her's. "Don't worry, I know we'll be alright." She smiled, taking her nose away from his...
                     To be continued...