Author Topic: Galaxy  (Read 1070 times)

Offline ~Leona~

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« on: January 22, 2012, 03:30:04 am »
Galaxy: A medium sized she-wolf with long fur. She is black with four white paws, faded white spots, white eyes stripes, violet hair and a white and violet tipped tail. She is quiet and observant and has the ability to give great advice. She likes to hang around the Temple of Dreams because she feels closer to Heaven. She used to be an angel and lived with her parents in the Temple. She used to have beautiful white wings. Her life would have been perfect, if she didn't have an enemy. A small, dark red she-wolf with lighter red markings named Clarette hated her for a reason she did not know. As a prank, Clarette framed her for throwing a wingless pup of the edge of the Temple. Galaxy was banished from the Temple. They took away her wings and her parent told her that they never wanted to see here ever again. The pretty she-wolf left her near perfect life, but to her delight, Clarette also lost her wings for stalking and scaring a bunch of helpless pups. Galaxy is no longer an angel, but she always looks up to the stars.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:32:44 am by Elana »