Author Topic: Skylidae - The Felines of the Sky - Species and Ranks  (Read 3117 times)

Offline OmenOTL

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Skylidae - The Felines of the Sky - Species and Ranks
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:30:44 am »
A.K.A Felines of the Sky, Flying Messengers, Hunters of the Storm.

The winged feline (Felis Caeli) is a specie that seems to be rather common in the vast territories in which all ferals roam.
 Much to everbody's surprise, pure Skylidae are rather uncommon as of late!

As mentioned above, there can be many kinds of Skylidae but while there are Colorful/Neon Skylidae (Felis Caeli Lucida) who are the majority of Skylidae, there are many other subspecies like the misunderstood Ghost Skylidae (Felis Caeli Umbra) and the original Skylidae (Felis Caeli Primus)!


Colorful/Neon Skylidae:
Status: Common.
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Lucida

 One of the two Basic types of Skylidae, these winged felines are the most noticeable of them all as they sport one or more bright colors on their pelts and wings.
 There is a difference between Neon Skylidae and Colorful Skylidae though!
 Neon Skylidae have NO natural color whatsoever (Meaning no tan, brown, white, black or any dark colors)!
 Colorful Skylidae, on the other hand, have at least one part of their pelt that is natural.

These two subspecies are not to be confused, especially when it comes to either hunting or tracking one of them down!

Natural Skylidae:
Status: Slightly Uncommon.
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Primus

 The second Basic type of Skylidae. These felines are rather uncommon as of late, due to the sudden outburst of Colorful/Neon Skylidae, but they live side-by-side with them nonetheless.
 Unlike all the other Skylidae, Natural Skylidae have NO COLORFUL/NEON MARKINGS AND/OR PELTS. Each part of a Natural Skylidae's pelt will be like their name suggests: natural!
 The only exception to this rule is when a Natural Skylidae gains markings due to their status in their clan.


Dragon Skylidae:
Status: Uncommon.
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Draconis

 As the name suggests, Dragon Skylidae are those who have Dragon/Bat Wings instead of the usual Feathered/Angel/Bird Wings and just like the feared fire-breathing creatures, they can often be very temperamental and will not hesitate to harm those who oppose them, verbally or physically. There are some who are not like this but they still can become blinded by rage.
 A Dragon Skylidae's pelt will be either black with bright red, blue, etc. markings/scales with a lighter color for the underbelly or vice versa with a slightly darker color for their wings.
 Do note that Mystic Dragon Skylidae are EXTREMELY rare due to their violent tendencies. Most will become Warriors while the occasional Dragon Skylidae will leave their clan to form a new clan and become either Warlords or Overlords.

Ghost Skylidae:
Status: Uncommon.
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Umbra

 Ghost Skylidae as the most misunderstood of ALL Skylidae, even if they aren't exactly dead.
 These white-pelted felines often sport black Skeleton-like markings and black wings as they wander across the land and attempt to join or make a Ghost Clan, the only kind of clan that is neutral to all but will only accept those who were unfortunate enough to be cursed by a deity and turned into a melancholy feline.
 What irks many a Skylidae about these miserable creatures is the fact that the whites of their eyes are black while they are without pupils, making them look as if they were possessed. A Ghost Skylidae's eyes appear like that as to ward off all the 'Living' from their territory and to ensnare prey in their gaze, thus resulting in the victim's ultimate demise.
 Even if Ghost Skylidae are usually white, there can be Demon Skylidae and Spectrum Skylidae.
 Demon Skylidae have red pelts and back Skeleton markings with black Dragon wings and white irises while Spectrum Skylidae have one single color for their pelts and their markings/wings can be either black or white.


Overlord/Warlord Skylidae:
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Princeps

 The main ruler of a Skylidae Clan, an Overlord/Warlord Skylidae can be any color as long as they are stronger and/or more intelligent than the rest of their clan. It doesn't mean that their clan is stupid/lame. It merely means that the leader needs to be able to think up attack/hunting strategies and be able to execute them.
 The leader of a clan is always referred to as a 'Prince' while their mate is the 'Princess' and they must have their clan's main marking/symbol on their heads as a way to show that they are the ones in charge. The color of the symbol/marking is also based on the clan's official color.
 If a male Overlord/Warlord Skylidae dies/retires, the Mystic Skylidae of the clan must choose no less than six able and fit Skylidae to fight for the right to become the new Overlord/Warlord. If a Princess dies/retires, the male must choose a new Princess out of ALL the females in his clan, excluding the Mystic and pregnant/kitting Queens.

Mystic Skylidae:
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Mysticis

Mystic Skylidae are the doctors of the Plains. They range from black to brown with their clan's 'color' as the color of their facial markings and will often reside a little distance away from their clan in either a large tree or onto of a mountain/slope. Even if there can be male Mystic Skylidae, most Mystics will be female.

Warrior Skylidae:
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Bellator

Warrior Skylidae are a must in a Clan. Without them, other Overlords/Warlords can conquer a warrior-less clan within a day, even if the opposing Overlord/Warlord dies in a fight with the defending Overlord/Warlord.
 Just like the Prince/Princess, they can be any color and gender as long as their clan markings on their tails are the same color and looks as their clan's.

Hunter Skylidae:
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Venator

Hunter Skylidae are the only felines who can have little to no markings on their tails, seeing as they must blend in with their surroundings in order to hunt more efficiently. Hunter Skylidae are also required to switch their roles with Warriors and in rare cases, will fight with them, seeing as there is a summer/fall cycle when it comes to pelt color in some parts of the world. Hunters must be extremely agile and they must know their surroundings well or else they could stumble to their doom in some cases.

Queen Skylidae:
Latin Name: Felis Caeli Regina

Even if their name suggests that they are higher than that of their clan's Overlord/Warlord, they are merely females who are pregnant/kitting. These Skylidae can range from being previous Warriors to previous Hunters, etc. and they will bear markings on their tails that will say so.
 If a Queen dies somehow but the kits are alive, said kits will be raised by another Queen. If the Queen cannot take care of them (ex. She already has too many kits to tend to or she doesn't have anymore milk), the Mystic will be in charge of the kits unless the Mystic is a male. If that is the case, then it is up to the Princess whether the kits die or if she shall take care of them.

Author's Notes: I know that this article thing got boring after a while but what can I do? Feral Heart is down for an entire week and I have nothing to do =u=;

If people become very interested in my headcannon of the Winged Felines here on Feral Heart, I just might make a little story based off of them with an RP to boot!

I also have pics of my Skylidae, Hawkflight, but I'll put them up later.
In the meantime, if any of you are interested in RPing with me, PM me~

Do also note that this is my first post and that I have not read all of the other posts referring to the other species so if you think I ripped off from you, please know that I didn't :L