Author Topic: Protect Our Little Brother [Complete]  (Read 1513 times)

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Protect Our Little Brother [Complete]
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:24:32 pm »
Notes: So, in order to understand anything of what's going on, here's some things to know: Glitch has a multiple personality disorder which he gained as a cub as a defense mechanism for his parents' neglect and his eldest brother's hatred of him. Drio is Glitch's calmer side and acts sort of like a mother. He has a British accent.  Keel is the protective side, quick to anger and has the traits of an overprotective father. He has a German accent. Dizz is the childish and carefree one who serves as just a ball of fun and was created in Glitch's mind to calm the three. The only distinction between Glitch's voice and Dizz's voice is that Dizz sounds younger because, in spirit, he is. It is assumed that the three personalities existed in their own forms at one point in their lives. It is has not been revealed in any roleplay on how Drio or Dizz were killed but Keel has been revealed as having drowned in a river and shows a great distaste for water.

.::Protect Our Little Brother ::.

'Let's go to the water and play with the fishies,' Dizz suggested excitedly to his master. Since the young voice appeared in his head, life was a bit more entertaining. It was truly like having a larger family to care for. Although the three of them knew Dizz's true purpose was to relax them, he was more so like the youngest sibling who needed constant watch and care.

Keel snarled. 'How avout ve don't and say ve did?'

Dizz had quickly become accustomed to Keel's sharp remarks and vicious attitude and seemed unaffected by the snarled response. 'But where would the fun in that be?'

'I don't mind if it will keep the cub quiet for more than ten seconds,' Drio sighed, seeming to have had enough of the two's constant bickering. It was a surprise to him that Keel hadn't tried to kick Dizz out of Glitch's mind. After all, the two of them had been bickering since the day they met. It wasn't really a surprise that the two fought often seeing as Dizz was often giggling and making jokes about the littlest things and Keel was more serious than an alpha male in the middle of a war.

Glitch gave into the request, much to the displeasure of Keel who was cussing under his breath. As they began making their way to the water's edge a fish's tail splashed in the water which caused Dizz to take control and run into the low water. Just as he was about to go after a different one, a female blocked his path. Dizz raised his ducked head, looking eye level with the female. Glitch took control before Dizz could get them into trouble. "Oh, hello. May I help you?"

The stranger's eyes had been roaming them, seeming to be searching for something in the male's actions. Her brown eyes snapped back to Glitch's lime green ones as she replied in a flirtatious manner, "Well, let's just say that I've been seeing you in your clan a lot and it doesn't seem as if you're getting the proper recognition you deserve. After all you seem very intelligent, strong, and humorous. I don't see why you haven't become more in your clan."

The three personalities were flattered but all of them, even the youngest, were wary. "Well, what's your point?" Glitch made it known he was suspicious of her actions and Drio held his breath a bit as it wasn't the strategy he would have chosen.

She rolled her eyes. "I was thinking perhaps you could join my clan. You would make yourself very useful I'm sure." Glitch thought of it for less than a minute before refusing. Although he and his personalities loathed the majority of his current clan, he wouldn't betray them. He still loved his brother, Kover, and he wouldn't risk putting him in harm's way by joining a clan that he was sure held a position in their enemies.  She narrowed her eyes at the quick reply. "I thought you may resist..." Others that had escaped Glitch's attention appeared around him. Even Keel would have trouble defeating all of them without killing his master in the process.

He heard the call of  Kover several feet away and approaching. "Everyone, move fast. And you," she got close to Glitch's face, "if you even pause in your steps, you will be killed along with that brother of yours. Are we clear?"

Keel's vicious glint hit Glitch's eyes as he slowly replied, "Crystal clear."


They arrived within the other clan's territory within a matter of hours. All along the way Drio made note of places they could hide when escaping and he emphasized they they would be escaping in some way, shape, or form. Many of the members cast wary but threatening looks to Glitch who was being shoved to move forward at Drio's slow and analytical steps. As one of the tiger's beside him grew impatient, there was a snap at his leg which caused Glitch to growl. "I didn't do anything!"

The female turned and grinned. "Who said you did?" The leader was no distancing herself from Glitch who's personalities were now realizing what would be happening. As the felines and canines around him spread out, the male tensed. This would certainly be a fight and it was highly likely they would lose.

The tiger who had snapped at him grinned wickedly and began to try an attack which Glitch dodged with some help from Drio who was speaking out loud, "Okay if we go with that plan... Nonono that would never work. But possibly if-," and so on and so forth which gained confused stares as well as a feeling of success from some. After awhile of dodging, the crowd began to get bored which resulted in two more tigers and a lion to run forward to help defeat Glitch. 'There's too many. We have to try and run.'

'Vrun vhere exactly?! Let me handle zhis,' Keel smirked. He got many good hits in with minimal damage to his owner besides getting tired. More members came to relieve the others as an endless flow of battle versus only one liger continued. The tables turned quickly as it was now the others who got minimal damage and Glitch's body received some major damage. Keel's mind tired to a breakdown which resulted in Drio calming him gently and taking over.

'We shouldn't have entered this battle. It's far too risky for our minds.'
Drio was doing very well as dodging and dealt out fewer hits.

The female's voice called to them again. "What's the matter, Glitch? Your tough side get worn out?"

Keel heard these words and reacted like a wounded soldier who was just insulted. He attempted to take Drio's place but Drio shoved him back, growling at him for even thinking of fighting with how worn out he was. 'Rest you bloody brute,' Drio growled softly as if scolding a young aggressive cub. Drio was beginning to get tired as the cycle happened to him as it did to Keel. Glitch quickly shoved Drio back who barely fought except for a few words of he didn't want Glitch to injure himself or something along those lines. Glitch fought well for how worn down their body was, having learned from both Drio and Keel on how to fight and dodge.

The leader's voice was heard only slightly over the roar of battle. "I'm tiring of this. We should just end it now." Immediately, every opponent of Glitch's backed off. Glitch's heart was racing with the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Not only his heavy breath met his ears but also Keel's and Drio's in his head. Dizz remained silent, protected by his "brothers" as he affectionately called them once. His silence was not met comfortably as that was a rarity for the youngest of their mind.

Glitch looked up, his body very unstable as it had taken more hits than one could normally withstand. A mysterious looking wolf stood beside the female who wasn't too far from him. Keel chuckled tiredly in their head, 'Ooo I'm very scared now. Zhey brought out ze muscles of zheir group.' Keel's comment was referring to the strength that the wolf seemed to lack. She was a simple looking wolf who, for some reason, held a sense of authority over the others.

The wolf stepped forward and narrowed its eyes. At first the three were confused at the pointless action until they felt as if something... no someone was in their head. Glitch gave her a confused stare. "What are you-" A scream that could have made even the coldest of hearts break echoed in Glitch's head. This creature had somehow found a way into the brain of Glitch and found Dizz in there, unharmed due to the protective older brothers, and attacked him. Dizz's screams were that of a dying cub, begging for relief and for the comfort of his family.

Immediately, all three seemed to be perfectly fine, their tired minds now active with a new prompt. With as much strength as he could manage, Glitch glared at the wolf, a snarl working it's way into his voice."Leave him alone." Drio was trying to soothe Dizz though once he realized his efforts were useless, he decided to help with getting this wolf away from them. "He did nothing to you so why torture him?" The wolf only smirked in response and, if possible, Dizz's screams increased in volume. "He did nozzing. Ve did all ze damage. Hurt us instead," Keel snarled though there was a thin line of begging in there which, if the current situation weren't so serious, Drio and Glitch would have been shocked by.

The female nudged the wolf a little to signal to stop which quickly happened, the victim still whimpering small cries in their head as he muttered their names over and over. "Now, Glitch, who else is up there in that head of yours? I certainly heard some accents in there." Glitch hardly registered what she was saying and the other didn't at all. Their minds were now solely focused on Dizz and his broken cries. Words of comfort were now swarming him and he quieted a little.

Glitch came back just in time to answer before she grew too impatient and sent the wolf on them again. "There are three more," he replied in a low voice. "The first possesses strengths in strategy. The other knows his strengths in battle. The last is... He's our motivation." Glitch seemed to barely have a voice, almost choking on his words as he just wanted to comfort Dizz as well who's cries were now begging for them to leave here and how frightened he was while the others tried to reason with him which only caused more sobs.

The female met these statements with an amused grin, seeming pleased with her clan in discovering this information. "Now, why don't you join our clan? Fight your leader, your brother?" Glitch glared at her. "Or..." The wolf stepped forward, a wicked gleam in her eyes. Dizz gave a loud cry, not in pain but in fear. "we could try and find that motivation of yours..."

The wolf then used its powers to the maximum on Dizz, dragging him out. The clan heard the hopeless screams of a much younger voice but all the more heartbreaking. Tears rolled down Glitch's face like rivers as Dizz screamed, hurting their throat and lungs. His pain ended at the female's signal as she approached again. "Now, don't go hiding... because we have ways of finding you in there and it's obviously less than pleasant for you," she smirked to Dizz who was returning her powerful gaze with the wide eyes of a scared cub.

Keel dragged his brother back roughly as if he were physically standing in front of him. "Not as long as ve can help it," he snarled, lunging at the wolf who attacked his mind once more, searching out Dizz but hitting Keel instead who had this plan. Keel's throaty yells were now heard by the clan and his brothers. While Keel screamed, Drio quickly got his nerves together and dragged Keel back, hitting the wolf in the head as soon as he came out. The liger's paw made precise contact which knocked out the wolf on the first blow, a direct hit to her temple. Drio ran quickly then, jumping over many stunned creatures to escape and running for more miles than Glitch's body should have been able to take before hiding himself well and lying down.

Dizz was still whimpering and Keel matched this with his own heavy breaths. 'I vill never trust jou vith handling a stranger again for as long as I live,' he growled at Glitch lazily.

 'We would have been captured either way. They had us surrounded. Don't blame Glitch,' Drio, the voice of reason, scolded lightly.

Dizz seemed to finally find his voice since seeing that fish in the river. 'What if they.... come back? I-I don't want to be hurt again,' he cried, quickly being shushed by Drio.

'And ve von't let zem,'
Keel decided.

'We will always protect our little brother,'
Glitch added with a small grin to Dizz who had calmed, feeling safe with his brothers to protect him.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 08:31:47 pm by Kasai »