Author Topic: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack) (ON HOLD)  (Read 2512 times)

Offline baltosaa

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Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack) (ON HOLD)
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:53:01 pm »
Rain of Feathers
Nero walked up to the portal, tired.
It looked amazing. There were circles constantly
falling in on themselves. But on the inside of this vortex
he saw land. A beautiful green land with water, tree's, and a den.
"Did I create this?" He asked himself. Over the months he was
constantly thinking of a perfect place to form his pack, and there it was
on the other side of this portal. "Now I just need to find pack members.." He
told himself.

Okay, theres my "Intro" stinks, I know.
This roleplay is a Wolf Pack roleplay...
1: FH rules apply (Duh.)
2: No swearing OOC or IC. (When I say that I mean no saying the super bad words...except words like crap, and retarded...but I don't think a wolf will be saying that, do you? XP  )
3:  No powerplaying or Gmodding. (There really isn't gonna be fighting in this RP..But if some characters get in an argument and it gets ugly, just remember not to powerplay or anything like that.)
4: Use proper grammar. If you cant do that, I suggest you work on your grammar before trying to join. (But spelling mistakes are okay as long as there corrected. FH sometimes lags for me and it makes me typo sometimes.)
5: This is a Semi-realistic RP. No sparkledogs, or super bright unnatural colours. You can have wings if you want, thats up to you.
6: This RP is mapped, so don't give the map to anyone. (Anyone.) Okay?
7: If you want, you can have you're characters fall in love, and have mates, But don't actually do that part, alright?
8: Listen to the other mods/admins for the RP.
9: OOC knowledge does not count for IC knowledge. Just because you know something does not mean your character knows the same.
10:  Also, only join if you have RP experience.
11: Your character needs a good, well-written Bio.
12: Be mature.
13: Listen to the rules.
14: Use common sense.
(I might add more..)
NOTE: I will never be online sundays. And also, don't always expect me to be in the mood for RP. Sometimes I will want to RP, other days I won't be in the mood.
Here is a Character sheet for you to use:
Age: (If you want you can use human years or dog years...Just know that if you do dog years, I won't be 100% how old you're character is. XP  )
Desired Rank: (Note: Your character will be given a few tries for a Rank, then it will be decided if he/she is good enough to keep it.)
Looks: (If you can, please post a picture.)

Here's a list of Ranks. (Remember, these are Semi-realistic.)
Alpha (Right now, Nero is the only alpha.)
Guild member (For this rank, you can't start out as. You have to find out IC, then there are tests you have to do...complicated stuff for that.)
Fisher (They won't be hunting, cause theres no animals around to eat except Fish. So this will be the rank that catches fish for the rest of the pack.)
Explorer (You go out around FH and explore, come back, tell stories, collect stuff...that kinda thing.)
Shaman (Shaman's finds herbs to help heal others.)
Care-Taker (If anyone has pups, and both the parents are busy with their ranks or something else, a Care-Taker can come and watch over the pups until the parent(s) gets back.)

Role of the Guild members:
We are called The Noble Ones. We keep the plants and water alive. We guard the portal
to this land from intruders and evil. We communicate silently in a way that no one hears us.
We could be anyone. We could be standing right next to you and seem like an ordinary
Pack-member. We will not reveal who is a guild member.

Okay, so the Guild members are ranked right next to the Alpha. Sometimes they hold meetings when there
is something they need to discuss. They do this when everyone is asleep.
To join, you have to go through a test to show your loyalty to the pack, and guild.
The test: You can choose to climb up Ascension island to the top of Sky's Rim, with Nero or
another Guild member waiting for you to swear your loyalty to the pack and the
guild, or go through the South Pole to Atlantis. When your at Atlantis you have to go around the whole area at-least once.
After that you have to come back to the south pole, go to the Lost Cave, and swear your loyalty to the Pack and the Guild, to Nero or another Guild member waiting for you.
Here's my App:
Name: Nero
Age: 20 (Human years)
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown
Mate: None
Pups: None
Bio: Nero grew up in a land far away from Feralheart.
He was in a pack known as "The Noble Ones". All the wolves
believed in helping others. They were in the same land for
thousands of generations. Nero was very adventurous growing up, and once he
was old enough he left the pack and the land he grew up in behind. He traveled
to FeralHeart to explore, and maybe start a pack of his own.
Personality: Easy-going, friendly, likes to explore, enjoys flying. (...Thats all I can think of.)
Desired Rank: Alpha (He already is the Alpha, so it isn't "desired".)

If you're accepted you will be sent the map.
Also, I'm Pacific Time Zone.
(NOTICE: I lost my Video card so I can't play FH anymore...It'll be a long time until we can RP.
(Grammar mistakes fixed.. D: )
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 06:16:36 am by baltosaa »

Offline jesija

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Re: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack)
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 05:46:59 pm »
Name: Vermillion
Age: 3 (in dog years)
Gender: Female
Parents: Sapphire (deceased) and Cidon (living in another pack)
Mate: None
Pups: None
Bio: Once the member of a pack named 'Clan of the Gems' (who were extremely protective of the flourite crystals... for some reason.), Vermillion was banished because of rather violent and rebellious behavior, and refusal to follow the pack's strict rules. The wolf then travelled throughout the lands of Feralheart and certainly knows her way around the place, but admittedly has alot more exploring to do before she can say she's been to every place. She spent most of her time alone and was finally fed up with it when she stumbled upon the territory of the Rain of Feathers. After a short while of snooping around the outskirts of the territory she was confronted, and her response was to ask to join.

Personality: The young she-wolf is free-willed, rebellious, brash, and bold. Some believe she strives to go against the norm and to... deliberately do the opposite of whatever someone is telling her to do. She can be a bit gullible at times though, and it seems reverse phsycology works best on her when she's being diffucult. Despite her nature, she will only pick a fight with someone who gives her a bad vibe or someone she just doesn't agree with. Vermillion can be a fun-loving, loyal, and a great ally to have once you get to know her.
Vermillion has a distinct fear of birds and a diversion to anything shiny (particularly crystals). Do not ask her why.
She wishes she had wings to explore every nook and cranny she cannot reach.
Desired Rank: Explorer. Eventual Guild Member when she matures O_O
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline baltosaa

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Re: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack)
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 06:45:07 pm »
Accepted. :P
I'll send you the map.

Offline jesija

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Re: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack)
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 06:46:48 pm »
^_^ Thank you. I look forward to rping one of these days~
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline Raineyes101

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Re: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack)
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 03:55:12 am »
Name: Ghost
Age: About 19 years (human, of course)
Gender: Female
Parents: Spirit and Shadows (Deceased)
Mate: None.
Pups: None.
Bio: Ghost was born into a horrid pack. She was was never given a rank, and tortured nearly to death. She was abandoned many timed, and was forced to beg her own parents to be let in. Why? Because she is cursed with bad luck. The worse torture the pack had done was dipping her slowly into fire. She was annoyed and outraged, attacking them one day. She tortured her parents for a day before leaving the territory forever, never to return again.
Personality: Despite Ghost's past, She is very caring. Yes, she may still be a bit bloodthirsty, and can be very mad, she can also be very soft and kind. She sometimes becomes outrages, remembering her past, but can be calmed down easily, using a soothing voice and bringing her back into reality. She is very brave and confident, and tries her best. She is fairly cheerful and is always hyper, and tries cheering the pack up even in hard times. Even if you tend to be afraid of her at times, getting to know her and befriending her is easy, and you wont regret your choice.
Desired Rank: Explorer, hoping to be a Guild member later in rp?
(Yes, I know, I'll re-do the marking colors o3o)

Offline baltosaa

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Re: Rain of Feathers (Wolf Pack)
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 03:58:14 am »
Sending you the map.