Author Topic: (v1.0) Rise of the gryphon rp map!  (Read 1251 times)

Offline Moonwolf678

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(v1.0) Rise of the gryphon rp map!
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:26:18 pm »
The pictures are in the above link

Here are some rules and privileges you have in this rp! (whoa I spelled that right)

You are allowed to fight! as long as it is rp fighting and not real fighting!
Cussing is allowed in small amounts.
You can go into other peoples territory, but if you do, be prepared.
Having mates is allowed!
You can use Fraps and video record an rp! I love being on youtube!

No POWERPLAY! play along with other people! you can dodge but not like a million times in a row!
English only! I do not know any other languages! (except for "hello" in Russian)
NO spamming! it makes rps frustrating!
Don't force a player do do something that he/she does not want to do!

Note: If you have the beak item and you're wearing it, it might not be a beak to others. You can be feline or canine; it works best if you have Tearless's gryphon marking! Credit to everyone whose objects and particles I have used!

Thats all and happy rping
I need a new signature.