Author Topic: .:Fantasia:.  (Read 1324 times)

Offline WonderfulFantasy

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« on: May 02, 2012, 02:31:02 am »

'Ello everyone! You've reached Fantasia's autobiography!

Name: Fantasia
Username: WonderfulFantasy
Nickname: Fantasy
Gender: ?

I believe I started playing Feral Heart in August 2011. However, that was under another username. After a long 3-month break, I decided that I'd return with a fresh start under another username!

Yush, I liek blue C:
Blue is mah favorite color, and purple is mah 2nd favorite color.

So anywho, I'm a Feral Hearter that enjoys creating maps and presets as I live in a world of art. Surprisingly I've increased quite a bit in my GIMP skillz over the 3 months. Thus, presets have become rather easy to make nowadays.

So uh... I've got many random interests, and just PM me if you'd like to chat C:

I liek mudkipz... but I think we all know that torchikz be the way to go >:3

I play Super Smash Brothers Brawl (and sometimes draw the characters during boredom) as a passtime. I've got 1 star on every race in MarioKart due to my 4-month addition to it, but now that everything is unlocked, I don't play it as much anymore.

I'm not, I repeat NOT a Twilight fan.
So if you are one to base any characters off of Twilight or love to talk about it, then would you be so kind to
 this thread please? Thank you C:
However, if you like it but swear to not blab on about it, enjoy your stay C:

I DO indeed liek Warriors. I'm also attached to dragons.

Whoa, WHOA, one time I got sucked down into the pony abyss. I came out as a brony OMG o3o

But I eventually found a cure for it. No longer a brony :P

So indeed, that's just a little snippit about meh. c:

Salutations to all; I hope we have a cheerful discussion here C:

Oh yes! Please look at mah signature to check out my main Feral Heart character!

I should like.... totally make a fox character (with preset) on Feral Heart, no?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 02:26:18 am by Fantasia »
I am NOT new to Feral Heart or the forum. Please. No extra help needed.