Author Topic: The Forgotten Wolves of Tengoku, Sime-Lit.,Wolf RP (Accepting&Need Map Maker!)  (Read 1421 times)

Offline Wolf}

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Fellow Wolf!

Long ago in far off Mistical place was Tengoku; or Paradise. Only wolves and the wolf's prey live there, No humans had ever set foot in Tengoku. Most wolves were kind and caring for one anouther,they were The Hikari wolves, But the were a group of wolves, The Kurai wolves. The Kurai wolves hated everything, they would fight other wolves much stronger than them, like there was nothing left to live for. The Kurai wolf numbers mutiblyed by many each passing year. Soon there was too much power in the Kurai wolves and the wolves who remained good, Soon war started. Now the wolves fight for Tengoku, Who will survive? And who will Die?
Who will win?
Who will you fight for?
Will you live?
Or Die?

(This is for both packs)
Alpha:Leader Male, Mate is Alphess. Only one allowed.
Alphess: Leader Female, Mate is Alpha. Only one allowed.
Beta: Second in command. There are 2 Betas; Male and Female. They are mates.
Delta: Third in command. There are 2 Deltas; Male and Female. They are mates.
Hier: Next in line for Alpha or Alphess. Their mate will be the Beta's or Delta's  pup thats their age.
Lead Hunter: Leader of the hunters, leads hunter. 2 lead hunters.
Hunters: Hunts for the pack. No limited number for hunter.
Scout: sends messages to other packs and scouts the territory for enimies. up to 8 scouts.
Healer: Heals the sick and or wounded wolves. Up to 3 healers.
Pups: the packs young. unlimited for numbers. (this does not apply to the alpha's pups they have their own rank.)
Elders: Oldest wolves in the pack. Numbers is unlimited.
Omega: Lowest ranked in the pack. ordered around by even the pups. Numbers are unlimited.

1. No OOC fighting!
2. Hate the Character Not the person.
3. Keep the language at a low; There are kids here!
4. You can't kill anouther person unless they agree and I (Wolf}) know about it.
5. You can't die at the beginning of the RP.
6. Follow FH rules.
7. Please stay active; Inactiveness may result in temporary keck or permenit kick.
8. Have fun; After all its an RP.
9. Please; Follow the Rules.

Finally; what you've been waiting for!

(there will be a diffrent application for Alphas)

Rank Wanted:
Siblings: If any
Bio: (History)
Time Zone: (Very Important!)
Other: (links to Preset downloads ect.)

For Alphas:
Rank: (just put alpha)
Siblings: If any
Time Zone:
Why Should you be An Alpha?:

Have Fun! I hope you Join!
Also tell your friends!

« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 02:01:58 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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Map: We still need a map maker.
People: We need lots more players.
Other: Nothing else.

Map: Like i said we need a map maker.
Presets: None


Hikari Pack:
Alphess: Misty
Beta: None
Delta: None
Hier: None
Lead Hunter: None
Hunters: None
Scout: None
Healer: None
Pups: None
Elders: None
Omega: None
Kurai Pack:
Alphess: None
Beta: None
Delta: None
Hier: None
Lead Hunter: None
Hunters: None
Scout: None
Healer: None
Pups: None
Elders: None
Omega: None

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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My Application:
Name: Misty
Age: 1 1/2 years old
Gender: Female
Pack: Hikari Pack
Rank: Alpha
Mate: None
Pups: None
Siblings: Only Surviving one is Jake ( I need someone to RP Jake If you would like to the Just do a App. like mine only put your rank for Beta or something)

Misty didn't have a good childhood, She was the Runt of the litter. She had been constantly teased, tormented and Unicluded in games by her other siblings. Luckily Her mother and Father were the Alphas. Over time Misty grew up to be almost the size of her siblings. But once the compitition started for who whould be leader  it all looked her oldest brother Jake would be Alpha But Her parents choose her. She grew more confident and became stronger from training. But the day before she would be Alphess her pack was attacked by a group of  Kurai Wolves; Only Her and Her bother, Jake made it. They then Made  Hikari Pack.Time Zone: West Coast Time
Why Should you be An Alpha?: I made the Form So...
Other: Hi!
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 02:04:07 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"