Author Topic: Tudund War Dogs  (Read 3405 times)

Offline hights1551

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Tudund War Dogs
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:36:31 pm »
The Todund is a German war dog that is born from the breeding of a Kangal dog and a Leonberger dog; both very strong German breeds. The Kangal is thinner, but thick boned, and used for protection if herd animals and people, while the Leonberger is a very thick furred beast of a dog used for all matters of protection. The cross makes a dog that is agile like the Kangal, but has a thick boned body and thick fur for protection. Males typically weigh up to 160-200lbs, while females weigh around 130-170lbs. Heights range depending on parentage, but most Tudunds used for war are males that are around the height of Great Danes.
Tudunds, the name comes from the German words 'Tud', meaning Death, and 'Hund', meaning Dog in German.
Tudunds are used for a variety of jobs such as spying, fighting, carrying equipment, protection, etc.
Tudunds are very intelligent dogs that require, surprisingly, very little motivation. You simply point them at a target and they will go after it. They enjoy the hunt and their reward and motivation is the satisfaction and praise they get when they deliver what was asked of them; they are very eager-to-please animal. Tudunds are also viciously loyal. Once they are introduced to their masters at a young age, nothing will stop them from protecting that person and obeying them, absolutely nothing. Due to this, all Tudunds used in war are given to as puppies and trained by the officer who is to be responsible for and commanding them.
Tudunds coat color varies. Kangals have whiter colored coats while Leonbergers have a range of colors in their coats, from red, to light brown, to black. Most favoured of the Tudunds are those that are dark beige, dusty grey, or just plain dirt colored, as that is best for stealth.
Tudunds have the unusual trait that when they hear people speak other languages, even though they don't understand it, they remember what is said and what the words sound like. This is a favoured attribute of the Tudunds because it allows for surprisingly good spying. Tudunds would be sent to infiltrate enemy camps, and they would be trained to sit and listen when speaking is heard. Once returned to their handlers, the officers would speak out loud words having to do with warfare such as ambush, plains, gas, etc, in whatever language their enemy spoke, and if it was a word the dogs heard, they would usually give a sign, such as a head tilt, or barking. It is not always reliable, but it does give some clues into what the enemy is planning when other means of spying aren't available.
Although Tudunds were originally bred and created in Germany, capture of the dogs allowed for other countries to obtain and create their own Tudunds war dogs, although they were never called Death Dogs outside of Germany because it was seen as too harsh a name.

This is a new species that kinda just popped into my head randomly. It was like a spur of the moment idea that I kinda lengthened out. Anyone can create one, but if you do decide to make one if you could let me know, I just wanna know how many of my lil creatures are out there. ^^